Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My first Reiki Healing

I just had my first Reiki experience today. I want to tell you about it because I think you'd also benefit from getting more in control over your own energies. You don't have to go to a healer to do this, you can very finely do it by yourself. But a healer will probably be helping you in many ways in addition to answer your questions. I went to a healer because I was curious on how it's done and also because I don't know too much about Reiki in specific, but more the general concept of the energy-grid that surround us all. But this is a chapter in itself an it'll have to wait for now.

A week ago I was once again up all night searching for more pieces to the big puzzle when I came over a YouTube-video about the science of our energies. It's a series of animated cartoon fact-based lesson-plan for those interested, and one of the first episodes suggested Reiki as one of the first steps to get answers. I already had my answers but I now felt ready to go to a healer for real. I've been a little scared of seeing a healer after my last encounter with one in Amsterdam a few years back. This was no Reiki-healer and she frankly looked a little more like a gypsy witch. But the fact that she had her weekly showing in the coffee-shop where I was enjoying an excellent piece of cake led to think that it was worth a try when she offered me a free healing while I was sitting there. She had me write down my name on a big piece of paper and while I was describing my surroundings in my black notebook that I carried in my little backpack for the weekend trip. She came up to me about fifteen minutes later and told me that she'd been healing me and would now tell me a whole lot about myself that I didn't know. My head was already dizzy from all the sugar in the cake so it probably didn't look to well when I just smiled at her while she told me with a serious face that I really was a rapist.

Well now, I'm not a sexual rapist. Even though this is what I thought she meant at first. I remember instantly trying to think back to see if at some point in my sexual career had been acting like a monster. Since I couldn't really come up with an answer for this, it just resulted in a confused and shaky smile. It took her a wave with her hand in front of my eyes to get me back in the room. She even asked if I was okay. By now of course the whole coffee-shop was interested in this particular healing. It was not a pleasant way for me to learn that I have the power of manipulate energy in my surroundings. Now, once I've learned this about myself, what could I do to make sure my energy is not used to hurt others on my way to my own private greatness? First I needed to learn more about energies and such. A huge task. It turned out to consume a lot of my time for many years and still is. This because to really understand energy, you need to understand people, nature and a little more than basic physics, a good portion math and also have an open mind to culture and understanding beyond your imagination. In easy words, I needed to continue my quest to become an PP  (or Private Philosopher).

For those of you who's not informed on the subject; Reiki was developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui, which since has been adapted by various teachers of varying traditions. It uses a technique commonly called palm healing or hands on healing as a form of complementary therapy and is sometimes classified as oriental medicine by some professional medical bodies. Through the use of this technique, practitioners believe that they are transferring universal energy in the form of ki through the palms, which allows for self-healing and a state of equilibrium.
There are two main branches of Reiki, commonly referred to as Traditional Japanese Reiki and Western Reiki, which is the one I went through today. Though differences can be wide and varied between both branches and traditions, the primary difference is that Westernized forms use systematized hand-placements rather than relying on an intuitive sense of hand-positions, which is commonly used by Japanese Reiki branches. Both branches commonly have a three-tiered hierarchy of degrees, usually referred to as the First, Second, and Master/Teacher level, all of which are associated with different skills and techniques.

I've felt for a time now that I've been out of sync. And as I happen to know a little more than average Joe about energies I knew where my problem was. I checked online for a place nearby that didn't charge too much and sounded like an serious healer, also on the phone before i went there. I found SolstrÃ¥len Reiki witch is about fifteen minute drive from my house or two hours walk if I had wanted to. I decided it was better to get my friend to drive me there and we had almost no problem finding the place. Who'd know it would be in the back of a garage. Don't get it the wrong way; she'd made it a nice place with a little desk for office-stuff and energy-stones, a couple of chairs for chatting and a therapy-bench for healing.

As I enter I've already gathered that this is a mother of two, first one she got at 21, now living with her husband at the age of 37. She can also tell me that she's a healer on her sixth year and does it whenever she has a client. As we sit down I decide that this is the time to open up what I know of energies and just interact with this healer. Even though I at a couple of times felt like I was sitting with a psychologist and not a healer I feel like she read my just like I'd expect her to. After all I had never done this before, it was not in my place to lead this situation. We talked about this. My talent for directing surrounding energy.

After about an hour of sharing information and views on the worlds energies in our closest relations and overall I got to lay down on the bench. She dimmed the lights and put on some Era on her iPhone and attached it to a speaker-system. I just closed my eyes as instructed and felt my self relax more and more. She puts a blanket over my body and tells me to never during the session cross my legs due to energy-flows in my body. So far in this healing session I'm still not sure what to expect or really do, but lay still while she tells me she just have to prepare herself a little.

The concept of Ki underlying Reiki is speculative and there is no scientific evidence that it exists; a 2008 systematic review of randomized clinical trials concluded that "the evidence is insufficient to suggest that Reiki is an effective treatment for any condition. Therefore the value of Reiki remains unproven.

I'm not sure what she was doing for preparations but when she puts her hands to the sides of my head her hands are really, I mean really warm. In the beginning I don't feel to much. I'm wondering what's next. She have told me that usually Reiki is done by touching, but some, including her, preferred to be working in the Aura instead of by touch. She has also told me that she prefer to work from the top and down but mostly healers do it the other way around. I thought no problem of this, after all; we all have or things don't we?

After five minutes, give or take five minutes, I could feel how a ball or something more like a chain of strains moving like a ball working on the spots of my body where I think my chakras are and it really did feel like she was moving south on my body. I got warm in the part of my body she was working and this without her moving at all. All she did all this time was to keep her hands close to my head.

These days I would expect my top chakras to be wide open while my ground chakras to be totally closed up. I knew this for a fact before I met my healer because I really haven't been taking care of my ground chakras at all lately. This much because I'm out searching. And I know this, I know this will shaken my chakra-system so why I do this wild searching without grounding myself is a question for me to find the answer. It's a problem for dreamers not to just float some times. But I'm working on it. This is why I decided a few weeks ago to go visit my family-cabin in the woods that I haven't seen in many years. I look forward to a week of fishing and writing mostly for myself.

I told the healer none of this of course. Still she worked extra hard on my bottom chakras, she even had to go for a touch on solar plexus. If you don't know to much about chakras I recommend it's self-study time :) Cause it doesn't matter who you are or where you come from, something huge is going to happen. And I do think we all have to start taking a good look at ourself before we attempt to interact with other peoples energies without asking permission.

Thanks to my healer @ Solstrålen Reiki in Fredrikstad for the healing. To internet for information and my friend Emil for driving me there and picking me up two hours later.

Now I actually feel a little lighter than earlier this morning. I also feel like I have a more constructive plan fro what I'll do in my close future than I did yesterday. So maybe this isn't such a bad thing. Would I do it again? Yes, my healer didn't say anything after the session. The energy of the conversation before the healing-session was totally changed and all that was left to say was "I'll write you a receipt" I left after what I think was a maybe too quick of a goodbye. But maybe she was tired out, after all I will bet my next session that I'm one of her most demanding clients. Not in a bad way. I do need to learn how to properly control my energy and how to use it in the most benefiting way for myself and those around me.
