My name is Jack. In my passport it says I'm Norwegian, this might be true. Like many others I don't exclude the chance of my genes to be African or maybe Chinese or alien for all I know. True is it anyway that I love traveling and adventures. Love meeting new people, writing, reading books, theater, film and chillin' with my buds.
It also says I was born in 1986. This is plausible. The supposed date is set to November 10th. Also we have to consider the fact that I don't remember much from my first years.
I smile a lot. I'm also a mostly very happy person with tons of energy and ideas for what to fill my time with. Crafts are fun, I like doing shit with my fingers and building things. I hate waiting, but only for people and public transport. I have a love hate relationship to my computer but I don't do gaming. I'm a dysfunctional geek and a fan of the arts. I love it on the stage but prefer directing. Also in movies I find a part of the puzzle, making them of course. So far it's been a few shorts and other experiments but nothing too big yet. I also get my best high's while traveling or doing my own projects.
About This Blog
Besides helping me keep track of where I am in the world I hope also you'd like to read it. I hope to share some photographs and other things. Quotes for example, I like quotes. There is no must of course, but just so you know; I'll be writing anyway. So if you want, check in once in a while. I cannot however promise you to find a new post every time.
I used to blog in Norwegian, this is my fourth blog and second in English, all together I have been blogging for about five years. I enjoy writing in English. I have nothing against Norwegian, in fact I kind of like it a lot, but even though I'm still having some grammatical problems in Norwegian I have more in English. Writing a blog once in a while I find a fantastic way of improving my writing skills.
I guess my blogs requires a special kind of reader, cause once in a while I get an e-mail from some random having spent hours reading about my discoveries in a pretty twisted and fucked up, but just as wonderful world. You can also send me one of those e-mails if you feel like it here. It makes me just as happy every time. If you want to read some of my old posts in Norwegian you may do that here.
If you should happen to feel offended by anything written in this blog I don't understand what you're doing reading this. If I somehow find myself reading a blog I don't like I let it go. I can assure you I didn't mean to fire you up against me as a person, I'm just telling you stories, It's up to you if you want to pick them up and into you're feelings. again, reading this means you probably did. I just hope it gave you a key. If something was aimed directly at you, your company, your friends or family; I can reassure you that I meant every single word I wrote from the bottom of my heart.
Love always,