You actually have prove them wrong, you shouldn't have to and this is probably also going to make them hate you - but by doing this you have now turned it into hate with respect. If you don't act, if you just live your life and don't settle down with kids you never asked for and a job you can't stand, in their eyes - you will still be a looser and forever their enemy or conversation-piece. This is how they trick you. It's kinda funny actually, cause this is how societies morality really works on people; these indoctrinated views of society will take charge if you let it happen. A person in denial will always, always try to blame you for their problems(!) In their perfect life they will use you as the person that do all the "mistakes" they never had the balls to do themselves - after all; people love to live their life through others, it is a lot easier to just sit in the audience anyway, but everyone sees when the clown is crying.
At the same time, next to being jealous, they are impressed by your strength and your ability to stay true to yourself. The whole thing is actually just a misunderstood type of respect. Today we get a lot of those characters from movies and television. TV, for example - manifest the characters I'm talking about in our lives. Television create unnatural stereotypes in our heads. What we know as the real world however; is nothing like a scripted sitcom. Behind the characters there are real people and real people have real feelings - feelings that again are connected to your own, you understand this by now right? (If not, keep reading) I guess we all need someone to laugh at sometimes and most people won't put themselves in this spotlight (and you better know your strength before you do) Being that person can hurt a lot - in many cases too much. I've seen people leave us for ever from time and reality due to discrimination like the one we are talking about. When someone is typecasted to play this character it is social rape. It doesn't feel right does it? Even as you read this you can feel that I'm right!? If you look at for example; drug addicts around the world. You'll find a lot of the people like the ones I'm talking about. Pushed into a corner and nowhere to escape they turned to drugs or alcohol. Already at young age some turned to violence and and in the worst cases they become deeply rooted in pure fear. For most of them it's way to late to change it around - but you better remember that they were people before they get to were they are today. And you contributed to their fall(!) either you like it or not, you accepted this as you accepted being part of society. Don't be an ignorant shit right now, try tell me you didn't...! We all do, even the best of us. Again, just like that guy from the christian bible and the somewhat 27 totally like stories from different ancient religions and cultures all around this planet: The suffering they took on themselves was for you to see the fear and to redeem the people before you had to go there yourself. They never choose this fate, society did it for them. They never choose to be become an addict, a martyr, or a freakin' mass murderer. But because of our choices they had no choice but not to be part of society. And good as society is in our "wonderful" world we don't really give them much understanding or even a option.
Even though most souls around don't understand this, I do, and many others with me. Changing the world isn't done in a blink of the eye, it might of course but I'm not sure how that would affect us either. Now however, it is time for you to realize this before it's too late. I've spent some time being one of those people now, still am - I guess, can't really change who we are. There is loads of people trying to help the lost ones among us without even knowing what kind of help they are supposed to give and in a way, we're all lost. We walk a path that has overgrown since last time we saw it. It would be idiopathic not to listen to our ancient's impairments, or directly shameful stupidity.
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace
-John Lennon-
I ask; when are we going to understand that there is not just one way to live in a society - in this created world? There is no such thing as a perfect family or a perfect individual, not a perfect country and if you think there is one, that's you jealousy speaking. Your jealousy that is based in fear, thereby off the river. Such thing as a perfect anything never existed and it never will, it's all based in fear. And here I walk around thinking that people and families are supposed to be built on love? Well, the stereotypes is already established, not much we can do about them but to fight the right to be our own person first. We have to learn to tell ourself to never be pushed into something we don't believe in - ever again! And there is not one right answer, we are all different and will always be. We have to respect this and at the same time embrace our differences. What's right for me doesn't have to be right for you and don't even start to think that you are the one with all the answers. Everyone has their own reality to take care of first, then we can start talking.
When all this is said, and I don't really know why I choose today to write about this. I don't even know why - after all; This is the created world, we can brake free from this at any time but I am realizing that a lot of us never will. (That's why chistianity has an old and a new testament ^^) Besides; the time of a guru should have been over by now, stubbornness hold us back I guess. Respect and love everything and everyone cause you are in no right to rise above any of them, only yourself, if even that.
What a wonderful world,
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