Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Just a fortune-cookie

"To live your life in fear of losing it is to lose the point of life." This is true and it said so in my fortune cookie today, it's funny cause I haven't really eaten Chinese today and I rarely actually do. The cookie was just laying around in the kitchen. I once visited a fortune cookie factory and now, every time I see a fortune cookie I think of the small one-room factory in China Town, San Francisco. It wasn't much bigger than an average bedroom and they had cleaned out all the kids, the only worker left to do the millions of fortune cookies they produced every year, was an old grandmother that I am pretty sure had no eyesight. She can't even have been close to read any of the hundred thousand different pre printed fortunes she manually put in each and every one of them. If I didn't know better I would have guessed that the old woman was blind cause she was leaning over the machinery like she had grown stuck to the thing and when she turned around to look at me, she had to turn her whole body. She smiled with her whole face and after I was done looking at the fallen wall of something that probably was a nice row of perfect teeth I started to look for her eyes. It seemed like her eyeballs was swallowed by the rest of her face and she smiled like I would imagine the witch in Hansel and Gretel would. I didn't stay to long, just long enough to have a small china-man with a mob-hat and a great fat cigar that polluted the whole room with an unbearable smell tell me his family history on how they escaped from the great land of China and got stuck in this wannabe melting pot on the other side of the ocean. He stuck a bunch of flat or cracked cookies - stuff that had been taken out of production into my mouth with small fat dirty fingers, and sold me a bag of the same stuff for a dollar before he hushed me out and yelled out "Next!". It's a great memory and a funny story and I remember it as if it was yesterday. The question is of course, do you believe it was a coincidence that I found this exact fortune cookie today. Also I would probably never tell you this story if it wasn't for just this - maybe my fortune was meant for more than myself already when it was made back at the factory. That doesn't matter any more, because now it is your fortune too. I didn't eat the cookie itself cause I might be allergic to it, someone else will get that joy - and that makes me feel happy.

"We are here and it is now. Further than that all human knowledge is moonshine."
-H. L. Mencken-

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