I know I am pushing - I'm a pusher - that is what I do.. What can I do but to hope I will survive my own transition. Many awakening people do get killed in order to keep the the world we know asleep. I know the point is to enjoy our awakening, it is a time for us to grow in sync with ourselves and everything around us. When this is said I am still straining myself not to move too fast. At this time it is my biggest fight to hold back because every time I move too fast, for my own person, it gets really bad. I feel confused and alone, I feel like I'm grasping for air and like nothing is the way it is supposed to be. It is hard to explain this in any other way than to say it is my own personal suffering that shines through. It feels the same way when I move too slow, Mother Earth make sure I am always in the right place. Again; it is all about balance.
"There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire. The other is to get it."
-George Bernard Shaw-
Most of the time I do feel relaxed about my awakening. I am not scared of tomorrow, not that scared anyway. As long as I am in balance, I feel very happy - I am focusing on today because today is reality right now. By relaxing and balancing ourselves, knowing what is ahead, I have learned that our fears fades away and let us travel painless down the river. For me it is the only way to travel and I am very happy to see that as I write this at a coffee shop there are several conversations around me on the subject of being in balance. One is about seeing the world behind the one we are living in, Another one on how the number 11 keep showing up in their life, one on how it will be interesting to watch the path of death. The real world is getting closer guys, it is knocking on our door and we are thought to be afraid of strangers and by all means do not pick up hitchhikers, right? The wall is coming down and we are starting to understand why things are what they are. We are waking up to a brand new day and it feels so joyful.
You might understand everything I write and hopefully agree in some or all of it. It is however your choice to take anything in and change this world once and for all. The question rise; what do I do now? I think the best place to start is (slowly) with yourself. Know that as long as you are floating down the river all the energy in the world is accessible to you. We have all learned how to pray but there is a great confusion to where we direct our prayers. You have to understand that it doesn't matter what door you choose, what God you believe in or how you approach the truth. In the real world we all have our own guides to help us. We are one, we are the tribe of many colors. Our guides will always care for us and they will always support us whatever choices we may make. Do not doubt them, if we do they will still be by our sides. I promise you that whenever we need guidance we can ask our guides for help. It is worth spending some time getting to know them, but you do not need to. In fact; you don't have to do anything but to listen. But if and when we do ask questions it would be foolish not to listen for answers, right?
To realize that we live in a world created as an illusion based on fear is another big case to brake. When we do, I think a natural response may be guilt for being a part of this creation. First step will be learning to forgive ourselves for how we pass on so much expectation and judgement instead of love and joy. You are in no right - what so ever - to make this false truths for others(!) Since you have never really known the truth and you have created stories based on fear you have been a big part of the sleeping fear-based world. This fear keeps you from jumping back into the river, to forgive yourself is the easiest way to reconnect - your guides can help you with this. All you have to do is to ask the right questions and listen to the answer. Have no doubt, the answer will come to you but not necessarily with a prophet around the corner or an angel with white wings and a glory over his head. It is a lot more likely to be your drunk neighbor yelling to her kids or the through the conversation on the table next to you. It might be through the next song on the radio or trough a shivering in your body or maybe the goosebumps on your arm? However the answer comes to you - you will have to choose to listen. Do not ask questions you do not want the answer to because you will get them and they might just take you deeper into your fear, into denial and further away from the river and the real world. You know what they say; you get what you ask for. It's your job to feel what is right and what is not.
Be aware of energythiefs. Not everyone want us to wake up and will do anything in their power to stop the awakening. Whatever you do: Do not fear them, they can not win! But please be aware that they exist and that they are many and everywhere - it is important that you block them out. They can be the loud speaker in the restaurant or the character you remember as the class-bully. It can basically be anyone. They are fairly easy to recognize because you will never have a good feeling while being close to one. Most likely they will make you feel like you would want to leave the place or like your head get heavy or the situation frustrating. Notice how other people around you react to the change in energy. They can stop you from thinking positive or push you to think a certain way by having an overly loud conversation with their "bud". Think about it; they showed up when you where feeling good, read; having a nice float down the river - now by stealing your good energy they pushed you up on dry land and gave you loads of new fear to deal with in return. Most energythiefs I have encountered in my life is beyond what I can do to help them, they will never come around and there is not much we can do - but some will, they require a lot of work (I rarely find it worth my time) but when I have the strength or when the person is a friend I will try, you will know relatively quick if it is worth it. Try just to ask the person to shut their mouth and start listening, but I make no promises some souls are just too confused, not beyond repair but they as you have to do their own work. Most important of all; do not be an energy-thief! If you are confused and full of fear and at the same time have a strong energy, do not act on it. Work with yourself and make sure that the energy you put out is pure, peaceful or at least calm. If you need help with this, you can always ask your guides to heal you - they will, that is a promise.
Aman dan cinta,
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Fear nothing but fear itself
I am fascinated by the speed we are moving, it's really going fast these days. This entry is going to cover a large subject with very few words. And if you do not understand it I urge you to search in the text and the world for the truth. I learned from a sister that at a unnamed university all students are required to watch a educational movie on how global warming is all a fake. If this is going on at one state owned university, I bet my ass there are more. I have quite a few notes on schools systems around the world in general and why they should not be what they are and in many cases not exist at all. However, this is not the point of this text. I have been debating myself for a few days whether I should even mention this because it is not important for our growth, rather the opposite. It is the same as asking who put you to sleep and why you were kept sleeping for so long. This is not important for our progress but it do give us quite few rocks to hold on to and this takes time we no longer have, which is exactly what they want. Some things we just have to put down and let go. This is however a great example for exactly how you are being degraded as a human being.
Following this required viewing of the movie, students on campus' intranet of course had a great deal of comments and to my surprise they were all about how the students now was feeling a lot more safe.. (beats me - it's funny how everyone think everyone else is stupid but never look at themselves) It included comments on how all their questions now was answered(?) This is how easy it is to brainwash thousands of people in no time and also the reason I leaned towards bringing it up in this text. Another example is the opening of the Olympics: A company with exclusive rights to air this on US soil is in addition to send it over tree editing hours later than the rest of the world, braking it up with tons of commercials and excluding big highlights of the opening ceremony. They are not at all telling the whole story like it should have been told. This, I guess happened in more countries than the USA, there is of course a bunch of countries that have strict rules for what goes on air. This is an offence against the people and you! I understand it is hard to see what you were never told and even if we can grasp the concept of thinking outside the box; it is not an easy job when you never knew how big the box actually is.
"The whole world is you, yet you keep thinking there is something else"
-Hsueh Feng-
Like I said, I'm not sure how important this is and honestly, it just pisses me off and it makes me feel helpless against the masses of lies. This goes on forever; human leaders of this world have gone out of their way to hide the truth from you and they will protect their secrets with their life. Your power however is that you do not have to listen! You can brake free from this at any time, just say - "I don't believe in these lies". This extend to television in general and social networks. It's easy being sophisticated isn't it? They own the worlds mainstream press and the individual world religions. The controlled masses of humans are growing by the day and many is dying while trying to tell the truth. It takes us back in history to the time were Europe was going through a low-point (very much like today) It was around 1934 - People lost their jobs and families were suffering from hunger. There was no longer "need" for people. Scary thought in this machine-producing world, huh? What used to be a peaceful life suddenly, in a short time, turned bad on the people and one day there was a man named Adolf (with company) that promised them exactly what they wanted to hear, all they had to do was to kill the Jews and the gays and the blacks too and basically everyone they didn't want to see again. They had to rape some women, kill some children to brake down the morals and as long as they got paid they did exactly what they were told. The price: They got to be in important clubs and got a meal-plan for the whole year and best of all, they had a job. They even got to fire weapons and go to other countries to kill and rape people they didn't know or had even heard of. (sounds like the viking age...) Few years later there was installed square boxes in peoples homes that told them exactly what they needed to do and since then the control has grown rapidly. You might think it's out of control but this is not the case, far from it. This is exactly what your supposed to see.
All I'm trying to say here is.. Please do think about your actions and what the reasons are for justifying everything you do. There is no need for looking at how your neighbor do things any more, you know from within when you do right and when you don't. Step carefully and do not let anyone dictate you any longer. This have to stop today. You are free to do whatever you want - by not doing whatever you want - your energy goes to someone else and they are not planning on doing good things with it. Do not let the arguments from the movies, the television and social media kill you, because this is what will happen. The war has already started and it is not a war between countries. It is our so far ultimate fight against evil and fear. You think this is far fetched? It is constructed this way just to keep you away from the truth. It really sounds like a bad movie.
"You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."
-Eric Hoffer-
I do not want to write about this. For me this is like picking up a fight that never ends, but I've learned that it will. I feel it have to be mentioned in order for us to see in what direction this now old-fashioned world is moving, scratch that - what we are in the middle of. Personally I am shocked that this is not the open conversation in the streets. Of course I do see the headlines and reading between the lines but where is the spokesperson we are all waiting for, right? My ego want me to tell you how I have tried to convince people of this for years. It did not matter what I said, my friends and family kept putting me down. So much that I even started doubting myself. I am down on my knees begging you (I'd lay down and crawl - but that would just seem stupid) for you to see what is going on right in front of our eyes. There is nothing in the world I would rather see than you opening your eyes to the truth. I know it's freaking scary but this is the right time to be scared of the dark. I believe we have to see the controlled hate in order to know what we are braking free from, we humans need a lot of arguments to be convinced.. I have no longer any doubt that I am right in this matter. More and more people are coming to the same conclusion and even if they are scared of talking about it, we do have to face our fears to put them behind us. Fear does not belong in the world of the awaken, it is an illusion created for the sleeping.
Following this required viewing of the movie, students on campus' intranet of course had a great deal of comments and to my surprise they were all about how the students now was feeling a lot more safe.. (beats me - it's funny how everyone think everyone else is stupid but never look at themselves) It included comments on how all their questions now was answered(?) This is how easy it is to brainwash thousands of people in no time and also the reason I leaned towards bringing it up in this text. Another example is the opening of the Olympics: A company with exclusive rights to air this on US soil is in addition to send it over tree editing hours later than the rest of the world, braking it up with tons of commercials and excluding big highlights of the opening ceremony. They are not at all telling the whole story like it should have been told. This, I guess happened in more countries than the USA, there is of course a bunch of countries that have strict rules for what goes on air. This is an offence against the people and you! I understand it is hard to see what you were never told and even if we can grasp the concept of thinking outside the box; it is not an easy job when you never knew how big the box actually is.
"The whole world is you, yet you keep thinking there is something else"
-Hsueh Feng-
Like I said, I'm not sure how important this is and honestly, it just pisses me off and it makes me feel helpless against the masses of lies. This goes on forever; human leaders of this world have gone out of their way to hide the truth from you and they will protect their secrets with their life. Your power however is that you do not have to listen! You can brake free from this at any time, just say - "I don't believe in these lies". This extend to television in general and social networks. It's easy being sophisticated isn't it? They own the worlds mainstream press and the individual world religions. The controlled masses of humans are growing by the day and many is dying while trying to tell the truth. It takes us back in history to the time were Europe was going through a low-point (very much like today) It was around 1934 - People lost their jobs and families were suffering from hunger. There was no longer "need" for people. Scary thought in this machine-producing world, huh? What used to be a peaceful life suddenly, in a short time, turned bad on the people and one day there was a man named Adolf (with company) that promised them exactly what they wanted to hear, all they had to do was to kill the Jews and the gays and the blacks too and basically everyone they didn't want to see again. They had to rape some women, kill some children to brake down the morals and as long as they got paid they did exactly what they were told. The price: They got to be in important clubs and got a meal-plan for the whole year and best of all, they had a job. They even got to fire weapons and go to other countries to kill and rape people they didn't know or had even heard of. (sounds like the viking age...) Few years later there was installed square boxes in peoples homes that told them exactly what they needed to do and since then the control has grown rapidly. You might think it's out of control but this is not the case, far from it. This is exactly what your supposed to see.
All I'm trying to say here is.. Please do think about your actions and what the reasons are for justifying everything you do. There is no need for looking at how your neighbor do things any more, you know from within when you do right and when you don't. Step carefully and do not let anyone dictate you any longer. This have to stop today. You are free to do whatever you want - by not doing whatever you want - your energy goes to someone else and they are not planning on doing good things with it. Do not let the arguments from the movies, the television and social media kill you, because this is what will happen. The war has already started and it is not a war between countries. It is our so far ultimate fight against evil and fear. You think this is far fetched? It is constructed this way just to keep you away from the truth. It really sounds like a bad movie.
"You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you."
-Eric Hoffer-
I do not want to write about this. For me this is like picking up a fight that never ends, but I've learned that it will. I feel it have to be mentioned in order for us to see in what direction this now old-fashioned world is moving, scratch that - what we are in the middle of. Personally I am shocked that this is not the open conversation in the streets. Of course I do see the headlines and reading between the lines but where is the spokesperson we are all waiting for, right? My ego want me to tell you how I have tried to convince people of this for years. It did not matter what I said, my friends and family kept putting me down. So much that I even started doubting myself. I am down on my knees begging you (I'd lay down and crawl - but that would just seem stupid) for you to see what is going on right in front of our eyes. There is nothing in the world I would rather see than you opening your eyes to the truth. I know it's freaking scary but this is the right time to be scared of the dark. I believe we have to see the controlled hate in order to know what we are braking free from, we humans need a lot of arguments to be convinced.. I have no longer any doubt that I am right in this matter. More and more people are coming to the same conclusion and even if they are scared of talking about it, we do have to face our fears to put them behind us. Fear does not belong in the world of the awaken, it is an illusion created for the sleeping.
Pushing forward
We have to start living from our hearts and wake up as soon as possible. I say this knowing that it can also be dangerous to wake up too fast, this is important to know because striving for energy can be just as harmful. If our human bodies get too much of the energy at once it will not be able to cope with it, it can be flow-stopping and even fatal. A little bit every day is all that is needed and is also what you are getting. It is a controlled process. I also know that I myself, still is very much searching for the answer to the future. I spend a lot, a whole lot of my energy exploring and making sure I take my steps on the road and not tumbling in the dark. The road, of course, have been walked by many before us and they left their clues and signs, you may call it whatever you want - but I prefer the ancient reference to the river - it's a lot more accurate than the road. I have talked to people far ahead in the river and I can turn around and see masses of people behind us. We are all special and I can say and believe that - knowing that we are all special as one.
Part of my journey is to share what I feel, what I see and what I know - this is what I do, and what my guides want me to do. There are still times where I let my ego be in charge of my path - when this happens I do not have a good feeling inside and neither will people I interact with. If my writings do not apply to you, try reading somewhere else. If you already understand things I write about I am truly delighted for you and I honestly can't wait to see what you got for me. I read more and more stories and books on awakening. Mostly all the short stories I read - written by young and upcoming writers, they are packed with new and inspiring information about the future and ourselves. At the same time I have read books that in a way have expired for me as an individual. I do understand if this information is not for you. But it still might have something for you and since you are reading this - It probably do.
I believe it to be true that we were all awake until we were born. We then was intentionally put to sleep by those who sent us here and by the ones that received us. The world was not ready for our awakening like it is now. Until now we have been meaning to sleep, but now it is time for you to wake up. It is important to know that you are not alone in this awakening, everyone that now listen will hear the calling to arise and be in tune with Mother Earth and in peace with ourself. Believe that with a peaceful awakening you will not suffer more than necessary. Like mentioned; it is important to travel slowly as we wake up. Stressing in the morning is not a good way to greet the new day, take your time waking up, please.
The picture is created that living forever is a very bad thing. This is only true in the world you see today - the known physical world where humans are in power of energies they do not understand. A world where overpowering leaders of the world strives to keep you asleep so that they may keep harvesting from humans rather than the earth that was given to us. If you listen to your guides within you and everyone, you will see that awake from this, life is eternal. Whilst being asleep is surely going to kill you faster than any war or government medicine *small joke*. However; nobody will ever make you do anything - it was your choice to come to this planet, to this life. It was your choice to be a gardener of earth and it has been your choice how you approached and are approaching this task. In retrospect it's too easy to say that everything was just put on you - This is true to some extent, since our choices are also being altered by the choices of others. I know there is a lot of choices out there but bottom line is: It is your choice to go through the awakening and it's your choice to be in peace with yourself and everyone.
You are also making a choice by choosing not to make a choice (I heard that in a song) Be aware of when you make your choices, because as you are awakening - yes you are! The choices you make get to be more and more important. Also try to be in tune while you make your choices and do them when you feel happy and when you feel in peace with yourself. If you ask me what you should do, even though I personally don't believe in giving advice I will answer you this: Choose to be love. Love everything and everyone, even the things you hate. Love is ten times stronger than hate and even though hate is still the overpowering feeling around us, we are about to change this with or without you - but of course we want you on board.
Brake free trough love and know that as long as you are asleep you can not feel love. Be in tune - feel peace, because with peace the river floats. You can not wake up while holding on to a rock or by trying to get off the river. Progress is only made and felt while drifting in peace. Of course you should be aware of any obstacles like strong currents and rapids that tries to get you under. Please be in peace, keep your head over water and feel the water surrounding you. If you hit a rock, and you will - cause the river is full of them and with little peace and love comes little water an so the rocks will be greater. Make sure to not hold on to it, let it go and let the stream lead you to where you're supposed to go. If you do get off, remember that the river does go on without you, but you can at any time jump back in.
Now, You should also know that as you awake you get more powerful for every second in clock-time. Every moment in the river will give you a feeling of having the whole world inside and around you, while being on a rock is exactly what it sounds like. Why would you put yourself through that suffering any longer? You know that being awake or in tune you have access to all the world and everyone at the same time. You have access to everything and everyone and there is no need to feel alone because you are it. You are floating toward the big ocean where we all connect in the end. Leave fear behind. Fear is like hate, the pure symbol of being stuck on a rock. You need to learn how to restore your peace and have no doubt when I say that you can lose it just as fast as you can restore it. It probably happens several times a day. The trick here is to know when you have peace within and when you don't. You can not move forward while being unbalanced. Do practice to feel where you are in the river. Notice if the stream is steady, where it runs faster and where it slows down. Be aware of other spirits travel next to you and learn how to grow together. Waking up together is not only more fun - it builds stronger energy. Make no mistake about it, not everyone are able to wake up, but you are.
Lay down in the grass somewhere (you don't even have to do this physically, but it might help) Just relax yourself, take a few breaths and let your body calm down. Slowly imagine your legs disappear. Then slowly do the same to your arms, stomach, chest and in the end; your head - just vanishing. Now, feel. you are still there. You do not need your body to be for you to exist.
Keep in mind that it is very easy to recognize whenever you are not floating down the river. Fear, helplessness, anxiety, depression and other states of mind are easily recognizable feelings. As you might already have noticed: it's nothing like the feeling of love. Let's build love together, all of us. Let us make hate and fear go away once and for all. You may of course choose to stay behind, it's your right. After all; this is your life, this is your creation - but that's also what it is; a creation. It's a dream and a illusion with glimpses of reality all over it, and you know this is the truth, I do not know will happen to it as we rise once again. It do of course have a lot of wonderful things to it, like I said: it contains glimpses of reality.
Keep your head up!
Part of my journey is to share what I feel, what I see and what I know - this is what I do, and what my guides want me to do. There are still times where I let my ego be in charge of my path - when this happens I do not have a good feeling inside and neither will people I interact with. If my writings do not apply to you, try reading somewhere else. If you already understand things I write about I am truly delighted for you and I honestly can't wait to see what you got for me. I read more and more stories and books on awakening. Mostly all the short stories I read - written by young and upcoming writers, they are packed with new and inspiring information about the future and ourselves. At the same time I have read books that in a way have expired for me as an individual. I do understand if this information is not for you. But it still might have something for you and since you are reading this - It probably do.
I believe it to be true that we were all awake until we were born. We then was intentionally put to sleep by those who sent us here and by the ones that received us. The world was not ready for our awakening like it is now. Until now we have been meaning to sleep, but now it is time for you to wake up. It is important to know that you are not alone in this awakening, everyone that now listen will hear the calling to arise and be in tune with Mother Earth and in peace with ourself. Believe that with a peaceful awakening you will not suffer more than necessary. Like mentioned; it is important to travel slowly as we wake up. Stressing in the morning is not a good way to greet the new day, take your time waking up, please.
The picture is created that living forever is a very bad thing. This is only true in the world you see today - the known physical world where humans are in power of energies they do not understand. A world where overpowering leaders of the world strives to keep you asleep so that they may keep harvesting from humans rather than the earth that was given to us. If you listen to your guides within you and everyone, you will see that awake from this, life is eternal. Whilst being asleep is surely going to kill you faster than any war or government medicine *small joke*. However; nobody will ever make you do anything - it was your choice to come to this planet, to this life. It was your choice to be a gardener of earth and it has been your choice how you approached and are approaching this task. In retrospect it's too easy to say that everything was just put on you - This is true to some extent, since our choices are also being altered by the choices of others. I know there is a lot of choices out there but bottom line is: It is your choice to go through the awakening and it's your choice to be in peace with yourself and everyone.
You are also making a choice by choosing not to make a choice (I heard that in a song) Be aware of when you make your choices, because as you are awakening - yes you are! The choices you make get to be more and more important. Also try to be in tune while you make your choices and do them when you feel happy and when you feel in peace with yourself. If you ask me what you should do, even though I personally don't believe in giving advice I will answer you this: Choose to be love. Love everything and everyone, even the things you hate. Love is ten times stronger than hate and even though hate is still the overpowering feeling around us, we are about to change this with or without you - but of course we want you on board.
Brake free trough love and know that as long as you are asleep you can not feel love. Be in tune - feel peace, because with peace the river floats. You can not wake up while holding on to a rock or by trying to get off the river. Progress is only made and felt while drifting in peace. Of course you should be aware of any obstacles like strong currents and rapids that tries to get you under. Please be in peace, keep your head over water and feel the water surrounding you. If you hit a rock, and you will - cause the river is full of them and with little peace and love comes little water an so the rocks will be greater. Make sure to not hold on to it, let it go and let the stream lead you to where you're supposed to go. If you do get off, remember that the river does go on without you, but you can at any time jump back in.
Now, You should also know that as you awake you get more powerful for every second in clock-time. Every moment in the river will give you a feeling of having the whole world inside and around you, while being on a rock is exactly what it sounds like. Why would you put yourself through that suffering any longer? You know that being awake or in tune you have access to all the world and everyone at the same time. You have access to everything and everyone and there is no need to feel alone because you are it. You are floating toward the big ocean where we all connect in the end. Leave fear behind. Fear is like hate, the pure symbol of being stuck on a rock. You need to learn how to restore your peace and have no doubt when I say that you can lose it just as fast as you can restore it. It probably happens several times a day. The trick here is to know when you have peace within and when you don't. You can not move forward while being unbalanced. Do practice to feel where you are in the river. Notice if the stream is steady, where it runs faster and where it slows down. Be aware of other spirits travel next to you and learn how to grow together. Waking up together is not only more fun - it builds stronger energy. Make no mistake about it, not everyone are able to wake up, but you are.
Lay down in the grass somewhere (you don't even have to do this physically, but it might help) Just relax yourself, take a few breaths and let your body calm down. Slowly imagine your legs disappear. Then slowly do the same to your arms, stomach, chest and in the end; your head - just vanishing. Now, feel. you are still there. You do not need your body to be for you to exist.
Keep in mind that it is very easy to recognize whenever you are not floating down the river. Fear, helplessness, anxiety, depression and other states of mind are easily recognizable feelings. As you might already have noticed: it's nothing like the feeling of love. Let's build love together, all of us. Let us make hate and fear go away once and for all. You may of course choose to stay behind, it's your right. After all; this is your life, this is your creation - but that's also what it is; a creation. It's a dream and a illusion with glimpses of reality all over it, and you know this is the truth, I do not know will happen to it as we rise once again. It do of course have a lot of wonderful things to it, like I said: it contains glimpses of reality.
Keep your head up!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Every big problem was at one time a wee disturbance.
What would you attempt to do, if you knew you could not fail? You have to believe you can do anything you put your mind to but believing is not all, you have to feel and act as well. When we learn something new, unless you have a mental disability like religion, stuck in life or no brain at all, there is no reason why you shouldn't make it big in whatever it is you've just learned. Life is funny that way, problem often is that we tend to do what other people put in our mind instead, it's just easier. In fact - humans forfeit something like tree fourth of ourselves to be like others, often more, sadly in some cases; everything. I really wish for everyone to be able to make their own choices as long as it does not hurt others. Personally, I no longer know how to communicate with totally lost cases. They are just to far off and the distance between us grows with me. Strangely enough I don't have any of those in my life any more, except from the ones passing me on the street. The block-button do exist in real life too, even though you, like me, should never be the one to use it unless the person is hurting you. This because we all play the same game but being different players we have
"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use."
-Soren Kierkegaard-
I can tell it is a somewhat hard job to never forget who we are, but just as easy. Not to be confused with remembering who we are.. guys? To say that nothing is set in life we evolve around constant expanding change. As individuals this is not completely true or at least it didn't use to be - our lifespan has just been to short for big changes to happen within one single generation. What was before does not have to be any longer. Of course, I do understand that this is hard for a lot of people just because it's so much easier to not care and/or stop learning. It's also part of the job description of being human. However - make no mistake, nobody made you apply for this job and with a very strict management that need to make change rapidly due to an amazing growth in unimaginable short time and a union that don't give a shit, you will get fired. Even worse; forgotten or ignored. Let us not forget in the middle of all this, in addition to be an employee, you are also the boss. Confused? It's about what you are going to do with the short time you have left on this earth. And it is still true that you have to be the change you want to see in this world.

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Einstein
Forget time, forget place and please whatever you do; don't hold back! A stitch in time would have confused Einstein and even though he was ahead of his time he was also just a human on earth with dreams and a crazy hair, we got some wild photographs to prove that he was. Be spontaneous and open, don't plan to be. Planning to be spontaneous is like walking to the store to buy a six-pack. Do worry, your government or those in charge do understand this; being drunk or high is the only way, unless your a bit of an artsy person, they'll let you live out your spontaneous behavior without making a mess about being on their land, just make sure that gangs catch you. Those brainwashed to ensure you're not in danger of hurting the leaders or their politics, cause they do have a block-button. To make sure we go forward we ought to remember that fools rush in where fools have been before. Be bigger than that! Be your own strong person and know yourself well enough to survive the coming storms. We're not supposed to focus on the future, like Einstein said himself: Future will come soon enough. This does not mean we are to live in history or even yesterday, because that's procrastination.
"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use."
-Soren Kierkegaard-
I can tell it is a somewhat hard job to never forget who we are, but just as easy. Not to be confused with remembering who we are.. guys? To say that nothing is set in life we evolve around constant expanding change. As individuals this is not completely true or at least it didn't use to be - our lifespan has just been to short for big changes to happen within one single generation. What was before does not have to be any longer. Of course, I do understand that this is hard for a lot of people just because it's so much easier to not care and/or stop learning. It's also part of the job description of being human. However - make no mistake, nobody made you apply for this job and with a very strict management that need to make change rapidly due to an amazing growth in unimaginable short time and a union that don't give a shit, you will get fired. Even worse; forgotten or ignored. Let us not forget in the middle of all this, in addition to be an employee, you are also the boss. Confused? It's about what you are going to do with the short time you have left on this earth. And it is still true that you have to be the change you want to see in this world.
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Einstein
Forget time, forget place and please whatever you do; don't hold back! A stitch in time would have confused Einstein and even though he was ahead of his time he was also just a human on earth with dreams and a crazy hair, we got some wild photographs to prove that he was. Be spontaneous and open, don't plan to be. Planning to be spontaneous is like walking to the store to buy a six-pack. Do worry, your government or those in charge do understand this; being drunk or high is the only way, unless your a bit of an artsy person, they'll let you live out your spontaneous behavior without making a mess about being on their land, just make sure that gangs catch you. Those brainwashed to ensure you're not in danger of hurting the leaders or their politics, cause they do have a block-button. To make sure we go forward we ought to remember that fools rush in where fools have been before. Be bigger than that! Be your own strong person and know yourself well enough to survive the coming storms. We're not supposed to focus on the future, like Einstein said himself: Future will come soon enough. This does not mean we are to live in history or even yesterday, because that's procrastination.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Why is this thus? What is the reason for this thusness?
While the temperature, weather like storms and drought.. When the environment in general is fucked up most places all over the planet and has been this way for years I do get pissed reading news on how today's newspapers use words like "worrisome toward the future" talking about icebergs melting. The flashing lights would've told us this as bees started to disappear years ago. We are killing mother earth, our planet. Scientists, leaders, hippies and weather-people have tried to tell us this for years. But despite this real treat and warning given to us - we are still debating whether or not this is actually happening. Let's just call it for what it is; good old fashion collective denial. I do understand of course. Our governmental living all over the world have made it clear to us that getting good grades in school, earning lots of money and building a one house family and have a nice furnished house with tons of friends that keep telling us lies is what it's all about, and yes - sadly, in many cultures for a long time this have been the truth. Problem is; it has just become to easy to say that "much will have more" And it's not wrong either, it's just a one track deception. Because even though we know it's not true, our brain will make it reality because it's all we see every day. And why shouldn't we make ourself this safe bubble? This is a funny thing about our brain - it does not see the difference between a lie and a truth. We constantly teach our brain about what tomorrow should be. This means that if you constantly let your brain be fed with information from one source and chose to let this happen it will become reality - your reality. Say you read the newspaper every day and believe every single word in it, without even bother to check the sources, you are easily misled. Doing this knowing that most press-offices all around the world are corrupt and also in large run by the same people - it just becomes stupidity, very much like believing there is just one book of truth.

Your reality, however, will just function up to a certain point. Insanity is what you get if this tree-level reality(!) cannot make the connection to the following levels of.. okay, let's use the word; consciousness. Most of us that get the chance (or are able to even read what I'm writing) don't even get passed the first level. They can try but were never thought how to ground themselves or let's say they maybe, of course without blaming society, God forbid - got misled. Say they do get passed the grounding-part of themselves, and many of us do - don't get me wrong, but then comes the next witch is about how you act in specific relationships with others, in essence. Getting the first two down is essential for you to learn the third witch in main represent your own viewing of you, your ego basically. This will make up your persona but there is still a long way to go - for now follows the levels of consciousness that we all share. I'm not even touching the surface here, but again; it's time for you to do your own work. You cannot cheat on this. When all your levels, colors or teachings (depending on where you come from or what you believe) are in sync, common for all of them is that when combined together will, just like a rainbow, form a clear blank white light. The LGBT-version of the rainbow also refered to as the freedom flag was created in 1978. Originally it also include the colors pink, symbolizing sex and turquoise, symbolizing magic and art. However, one year later, those two colors was removed from the flag and indigo was replaced with royal blue for practical reasons.. Of course; according to the christian bible the rainbow was created as a sign to Noah that there would never again be a world wide flood. So how about those polar caps melting? I find this worrisome too. I would think that just like on airplanes you don't have to worry until you see the flight attendants do. Let's say the same goes for our leaders in charge and their agencies.
"This was so extraordinary that at first I questioned the result: was this real or was it due to data error?"
-NASA's Son Nghiem-
Let us at least pretend it's not already to late,
Your reality, however, will just function up to a certain point. Insanity is what you get if this tree-level reality(!) cannot make the connection to the following levels of.. okay, let's use the word; consciousness. Most of us that get the chance (or are able to even read what I'm writing) don't even get passed the first level. They can try but were never thought how to ground themselves or let's say they maybe, of course without blaming society, God forbid - got misled. Say they do get passed the grounding-part of themselves, and many of us do - don't get me wrong, but then comes the next witch is about how you act in specific relationships with others, in essence. Getting the first two down is essential for you to learn the third witch in main represent your own viewing of you, your ego basically. This will make up your persona but there is still a long way to go - for now follows the levels of consciousness that we all share. I'm not even touching the surface here, but again; it's time for you to do your own work. You cannot cheat on this. When all your levels, colors or teachings (depending on where you come from or what you believe) are in sync, common for all of them is that when combined together will, just like a rainbow, form a clear blank white light. The LGBT-version of the rainbow also refered to as the freedom flag was created in 1978. Originally it also include the colors pink, symbolizing sex and turquoise, symbolizing magic and art. However, one year later, those two colors was removed from the flag and indigo was replaced with royal blue for practical reasons.. Of course; according to the christian bible the rainbow was created as a sign to Noah that there would never again be a world wide flood. So how about those polar caps melting? I find this worrisome too. I would think that just like on airplanes you don't have to worry until you see the flight attendants do. Let's say the same goes for our leaders in charge and their agencies.
"This was so extraordinary that at first I questioned the result: was this real or was it due to data error?"
-NASA's Son Nghiem-
Let us at least pretend it's not already to late,
Monday, July 23, 2012
The center of the earth can be anywhere
If I tell you the truth, chances are you're not going to believe it anyway. I've learned that when you walk through a storm, you shall hold your head up high and don't be afraid of the dark. This storm is far from over and I do feel very much afraid of the dark. I know you are too, but it's not always easy to see a butterfly on a distance, even if somebody is pointing it out to you. Butterflies are best seen at daytime of course, they tend to sleep at night. Holding my head high is a totally different story, it kinda depends on what kind of darkness that surrounds me. But just like the monarch butterflies know six generations ahead where to go I believe the same is true for humans. Our problem is that we don't have an official documented record for our earlier paths which of course make it a lot harder to see the whole picture. It does however not mean it's not there. If you know how to connect to your genetic you and follow your stream of generations back, you might just be looking at your future. All knowledge is within you and your life is based on the capacity of energy inside of you, not outside of you. This knowledge let me walk with my head high - most of the time.
Funny thing is; I don't have to tell you the truth because you already know it! Now, you can always choose to listen - and my truth is not necessarily yours, visa versa. When it comes to our common side of the truth however - the one that runs in what we mathematically can refer to as the fourth dimension and upwards; we all share the same chaos of all our realities. Explaining all dimensions here will take a long blog, which is why I'll do something I rarely do; adding a link. It is purely mathematical but will explain a lot of the basics of dimensions if you still don't know how to search within yourself. It is not even important to know all of this, but I cannot say it enough: Please do your own research, you don't have to take my word for any of it, make it your own. At latest today I was reminded that it's not the planning itself that is the important part, but it would be stupid not to listen to experience of others. Mother earth has her way of teaching us the hard way when we do it wrong. Never doubt your own powers as your own ruler, coexist and listen to your inner voice. Do not let human-created religions (whether it is in the name of God, Fashion, Buddha, Politics or ANY other) overpower your abilities or cloud your way of seeing the real truth of what you already know from deep inside yourself. You don't have to dismiss them either, they all have their sense of truth but they are all open for interpretation where your genes and genetic saved history is not. Remember that all religious writings, just like anything else you read, are written, edited, told by mouth, edited again and finally edited some more before someone else's toughs of what will be the best for your understanding is editing the text before you read it. I know that just to get the right information about today's world-news I will have to check at least five newspapers online plus the paper version in my local coffee shop. What makes you think it's any different in religious writings? Together they are collective works from around the world, seen together... well it can still be hard to not see the forest for all the trees, but who are to say that you can't just walk into the freakin' forest and feel it all yourself?
"In great affairs men show themselves as they wish to be seen; in small
things they show themselves as they are."
-Nicholas Chamfort-
When you do this, understands it and truly get the concept of who you (we) are and why, I can or will not promise you that you'll be happy or pleased. But I never asked you to be either. I, myself, am a truth-seeker and part of this is also to pay it forward. But there is no point in going on unless we speak the same language or as a monk might will put it "reach the same level of consciousness". We really are all the same but still very different in our ways of getting there. I just want to make sure that we all get there, it's just part of what we're here to do. Don't be scared, this is supposed to be a happy time and don't even try to believe that you're not part of it like everything dead or alive that ever existed.
Funny thing is; I don't have to tell you the truth because you already know it! Now, you can always choose to listen - and my truth is not necessarily yours, visa versa. When it comes to our common side of the truth however - the one that runs in what we mathematically can refer to as the fourth dimension and upwards; we all share the same chaos of all our realities. Explaining all dimensions here will take a long blog, which is why I'll do something I rarely do; adding a link. It is purely mathematical but will explain a lot of the basics of dimensions if you still don't know how to search within yourself. It is not even important to know all of this, but I cannot say it enough: Please do your own research, you don't have to take my word for any of it, make it your own. At latest today I was reminded that it's not the planning itself that is the important part, but it would be stupid not to listen to experience of others. Mother earth has her way of teaching us the hard way when we do it wrong. Never doubt your own powers as your own ruler, coexist and listen to your inner voice. Do not let human-created religions (whether it is in the name of God, Fashion, Buddha, Politics or ANY other) overpower your abilities or cloud your way of seeing the real truth of what you already know from deep inside yourself. You don't have to dismiss them either, they all have their sense of truth but they are all open for interpretation where your genes and genetic saved history is not. Remember that all religious writings, just like anything else you read, are written, edited, told by mouth, edited again and finally edited some more before someone else's toughs of what will be the best for your understanding is editing the text before you read it. I know that just to get the right information about today's world-news I will have to check at least five newspapers online plus the paper version in my local coffee shop. What makes you think it's any different in religious writings? Together they are collective works from around the world, seen together... well it can still be hard to not see the forest for all the trees, but who are to say that you can't just walk into the freakin' forest and feel it all yourself?
"In great affairs men show themselves as they wish to be seen; in small
things they show themselves as they are."
-Nicholas Chamfort-
When you do this, understands it and truly get the concept of who you (we) are and why, I can or will not promise you that you'll be happy or pleased. But I never asked you to be either. I, myself, am a truth-seeker and part of this is also to pay it forward. But there is no point in going on unless we speak the same language or as a monk might will put it "reach the same level of consciousness". We really are all the same but still very different in our ways of getting there. I just want to make sure that we all get there, it's just part of what we're here to do. Don't be scared, this is supposed to be a happy time and don't even try to believe that you're not part of it like everything dead or alive that ever existed.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Leave me on a desert island
always found the whole idea of being left on a desert island
interesting. First of all; I believe that all things are alive and in
symbiosis with me. This includes trees and grass, creatures in the sand
and so on. Being alone is going to be a lot harder than first imagined.
I would compromise to agree that pure sand is not alive so find me an
island with just dead sand an I would gladly spend a few weeks to
understand the real feeling of being alone. The closest I've been is
spending days alone in the mountain. But then again, among trees,
berries, wind, sun and animals I was never alone, in fact - I've never
felt more connected.
"When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him."
-Thomas Szasz-
Humans sometimes lack a quality that nature has naturally. It is pure goodness which is very real in nature. Instead we have developed an ego that blocks us from develop our intuition. Humans need to learn how to rid themselves of their ego, fast. Because however we'd like to look at it time is running out, rapidly faster by the hour. We once had all the time in the world to make these changes, but that is now in the past. We cannot any longer limit ourselves we have to join nature in order to survive. If we get rid of our ego we take away the limits and become infinite in tact with nature. As of now we are limiting instead of loving and uplifting each other.
I'm generalizing and I shouldn't. But I'm not writing this for those of us that already got the point and can feel the energy I'm talking about. I'm talking to the searchers and confused souls out there. I'm not pointing fingers because most of us will get it sooner or later, but it's time for you to change and put your ego away. This time not only for an hour or two but for all future. I ask you this because we are all connected and I need you all to do so. This way we can stand stronger and tall in the name of love. If you can not understand what I'm trying to tell you, you're eye has been clouded by the wrong energies. This is a pretty common perception to have in our time but like I've said there is no longer time for this in our reality. We have no choice but to take a stand. It's not about blame but it is an fact that evil is easier to feel than love but just as with everything else in life there is nothing that can't be learned. Even our own body can teach you this. Just think about how many muscles you use to smile verses what you use in a grim face. Of course, not projecting feelings at all requires a minimum. Then again don't forget that despite all our differences we all have the same distance between our eyes. I need you to figure this out asap.
The confusion you are feeling and the uncertainty is stealing the good energies and are making them bad, I can't watch this no longer. I see sponges of people everywhere I go like nothing I've ever seen before. Searching for answers you are emptying me. I will not hold back on my energy. I can, yes, but it's not me and it never was. Problem is I only have limited of energy before I have to recharge, I plead you again; please learn how to control yourselves.
I understand it might feel scary and lonely, but know that you are not alone and the fear is equal for both sides. There is no need of being an ignorant asshole, cause it won't suit you. Time of playing characters are out. We are entering a time where secrets no longer exist and life really do. It is time for us to listen to our forefathers and mothers, anything else would be ignorant and selfish. Jump yourself a thousand year into the future and think back. How do you feel about all the research done today is just overseen and not much cared about at all? Don't you ever wonder how ancient cultures all over this planet came to very much the same conclusions as we do today and even more interesting, they did it without internet or any human made communication. The answers to all our questions is just around the corner. Not in time, but in you.
Remember also; our truths does not have to be the same but the result will be. Love everything and everyone because that's what you are meant to do. As I wrote this there was a person sitting behind me talking to his date about how everyone has to learn their own way and get burned. I read people fairly well, I know he was talking about himself, especially because I met his eyes in the middle of his conversation. Now, I could have said something but decided not to, after all he was on a date and needed to pull his self esteem up just to trust himself enough to make a conversation. I promise you this, when you are content to be yourself and don't compare or compete everybody will respect you. Be proud of who you are, because this is how you take care of everyone else and build energy instead of using it. When this is said, make sure it's the right one.
If you own an island like this I would love to go there and plant a few seeds, just to maybe stop the erosion. It's important but as we speak icebergs are breaking loose from glaciers and the sea level is rising in a speed never ever recorded before. Time is running out, we have to take action now, today.
"When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him."
-Thomas Szasz-
Humans sometimes lack a quality that nature has naturally. It is pure goodness which is very real in nature. Instead we have developed an ego that blocks us from develop our intuition. Humans need to learn how to rid themselves of their ego, fast. Because however we'd like to look at it time is running out, rapidly faster by the hour. We once had all the time in the world to make these changes, but that is now in the past. We cannot any longer limit ourselves we have to join nature in order to survive. If we get rid of our ego we take away the limits and become infinite in tact with nature. As of now we are limiting instead of loving and uplifting each other.
I'm generalizing and I shouldn't. But I'm not writing this for those of us that already got the point and can feel the energy I'm talking about. I'm talking to the searchers and confused souls out there. I'm not pointing fingers because most of us will get it sooner or later, but it's time for you to change and put your ego away. This time not only for an hour or two but for all future. I ask you this because we are all connected and I need you all to do so. This way we can stand stronger and tall in the name of love. If you can not understand what I'm trying to tell you, you're eye has been clouded by the wrong energies. This is a pretty common perception to have in our time but like I've said there is no longer time for this in our reality. We have no choice but to take a stand. It's not about blame but it is an fact that evil is easier to feel than love but just as with everything else in life there is nothing that can't be learned. Even our own body can teach you this. Just think about how many muscles you use to smile verses what you use in a grim face. Of course, not projecting feelings at all requires a minimum. Then again don't forget that despite all our differences we all have the same distance between our eyes. I need you to figure this out asap.
The confusion you are feeling and the uncertainty is stealing the good energies and are making them bad, I can't watch this no longer. I see sponges of people everywhere I go like nothing I've ever seen before. Searching for answers you are emptying me. I will not hold back on my energy. I can, yes, but it's not me and it never was. Problem is I only have limited of energy before I have to recharge, I plead you again; please learn how to control yourselves.
I understand it might feel scary and lonely, but know that you are not alone and the fear is equal for both sides. There is no need of being an ignorant asshole, cause it won't suit you. Time of playing characters are out. We are entering a time where secrets no longer exist and life really do. It is time for us to listen to our forefathers and mothers, anything else would be ignorant and selfish. Jump yourself a thousand year into the future and think back. How do you feel about all the research done today is just overseen and not much cared about at all? Don't you ever wonder how ancient cultures all over this planet came to very much the same conclusions as we do today and even more interesting, they did it without internet or any human made communication. The answers to all our questions is just around the corner. Not in time, but in you.
Remember also; our truths does not have to be the same but the result will be. Love everything and everyone because that's what you are meant to do. As I wrote this there was a person sitting behind me talking to his date about how everyone has to learn their own way and get burned. I read people fairly well, I know he was talking about himself, especially because I met his eyes in the middle of his conversation. Now, I could have said something but decided not to, after all he was on a date and needed to pull his self esteem up just to trust himself enough to make a conversation. I promise you this, when you are content to be yourself and don't compare or compete everybody will respect you. Be proud of who you are, because this is how you take care of everyone else and build energy instead of using it. When this is said, make sure it's the right one.
If you own an island like this I would love to go there and plant a few seeds, just to maybe stop the erosion. It's important but as we speak icebergs are breaking loose from glaciers and the sea level is rising in a speed never ever recorded before. Time is running out, we have to take action now, today.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
How the river came to trust the wind
There once was an ancient river winding it's way trough the mountains where it was picking up speed and traveling happily. It ran down from green hills of trees and flowers in every
imaginary shape and color. Ending in the enormous water the people called the
ocean and was home to some very important building bricks on what was
known as Terra. This big blue-green river was source of water for a
numerous of living creatures and was just as loved as it was important
for life to happen. One day the river find it's channeling getting
narrower and shallower before it comes to a stop. Where there once used
to be green grass and fields of flowers there was now a gray, sandy
dessert. The river began to worry; what would happen to it when it met
up with the big dry dessert. Surely enough the river came to an stop
and could no longer reach the ocean. It just didn't know how to cross
this enormous barrier made of an impossible material. For what had happened there was many reasons but
it was not looking for anything to blame. Not knowing what to do, the
river stopped. It had never met a problem like this in it's whole
existence. The river had always been able to trust itself to bring the fresh,
clean water all the way to the ocean.
The wind watched the river struggling and offered it help "Allow me to carry you up and transport you safely to the other side, where you can continue your journey." The river of course was not used to talking to thin air. "But how can I trust you? I don't know you. Besides how can you possibly help me travel this distance and still let me keep my identity?" The wind replied "It seems to me that you are in a rather impossible situation here. This dessert is just too big for you to cross over by yourself. I am the only one that can help you! You have to choose if you want to stay here and live a short and rather dry life, without any friends or you can take a chance and allow yourself to trust me. But I know, that on the other side of this dessert you will be able to continue on, not only for your own sake but everyone that you are nurturing as well."
As the desperate river heard the wind's words and understood that to overcome this obstacle it would have to trust in something outside itself and finally allowed the wind to lift it up from the earth and transport it in thick heavy clouds before it was let down in a distant mountain across the dessert where it fell as sweet and gentle rain. From there it continued it's journey toward the ocean.
"Nobody believes the official spokesman... but everybody trusts an unidentified source."
-Ron Nesen-
Now, I always wanted to know how these hieroglyphs from the Abydos-temple can contain a helicopter, a submarine and a spaceship, plus some weird shit we haven't thought of yet. Not because I particularly enjoy conspiracy-theories, but they are funny. Thing is; for the most we know the answers to all our history already, by searching inside ourselves. But there is something about these hieroglyphs I find intriguing.
The wind watched the river struggling and offered it help "Allow me to carry you up and transport you safely to the other side, where you can continue your journey." The river of course was not used to talking to thin air. "But how can I trust you? I don't know you. Besides how can you possibly help me travel this distance and still let me keep my identity?" The wind replied "It seems to me that you are in a rather impossible situation here. This dessert is just too big for you to cross over by yourself. I am the only one that can help you! You have to choose if you want to stay here and live a short and rather dry life, without any friends or you can take a chance and allow yourself to trust me. But I know, that on the other side of this dessert you will be able to continue on, not only for your own sake but everyone that you are nurturing as well."
As the desperate river heard the wind's words and understood that to overcome this obstacle it would have to trust in something outside itself and finally allowed the wind to lift it up from the earth and transport it in thick heavy clouds before it was let down in a distant mountain across the dessert where it fell as sweet and gentle rain. From there it continued it's journey toward the ocean.
"Nobody believes the official spokesman... but everybody trusts an unidentified source."
-Ron Nesen-
Now, I always wanted to know how these hieroglyphs from the Abydos-temple can contain a helicopter, a submarine and a spaceship, plus some weird shit we haven't thought of yet. Not because I particularly enjoy conspiracy-theories, but they are funny. Thing is; for the most we know the answers to all our history already, by searching inside ourselves. But there is something about these hieroglyphs I find intriguing.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Hey you, on the rock!
love from somewhere deep inside, you and everything else. My love for
everyone can not be measured and is all that exist.
Sadly seeing is what we think is believing since what you see is what you choose to feel. The
truth is that feeling is the true believing. You are special because
you are able to see what you feel. You also have the power of choice
and the ability to think. Sadly also the power to choose not to feel
and only think. I can understand that this is confusing.
This is exactly why you should do your own research, because it is time for you
to see that we are all connected. To see that the tree in our garden,
the grass on the corner, the neighbors dog and me and you are all one single stream of energy working together. You
know this is true because you are also a part of it, you can feel it.
Do not think you
are on the grid if you're living in society, you might find your
answers there but to get the truth you need to connect to the real grid.
We can use words as consciousness and oneness to make you understand but you will have to do your own work. Do not stop yourself from communicating, feel the love - be it! please do not confuse this with your programming of what is right and what is not. Regardless of witch religion or beliefs you might have believed in once,
you are now doubting it because we once again are starting to speak the
same language. You understand, once again, what it is all about, but your job is to listen. Also remember that it is you that have chosen to come here. No one ever made you go this far or follow the energy, it have been you all the way back since the beginning.
The knowledge is stored
within all of us and in everything. You don't have to worry about
asking the right questions or giving the right answers. All you have to
do is open yourself and let the energy be a part of you like it has
always been. Don't let your physical self stop you from seeing what is
all around you, embrace and love the wholeness of yourself. Do this for
you, for me and for everyone.
This river of energy we are floating on is flowing faster than ever, listen to our elders; It has its destination. Release yourself and don't be afraid any more. You can not stop the flow of
nature of which you play a part. This is supposed to be a good time,
but as one we also carry with us hurt and fright.
I beg you now before you hurt too much, come with us! There is no longer need to be alone and sad. Connect! We feel you anyway so there is no longer any need to hide. Let go of the rock your holding on to and flow with me, let us all be part of what you see.
Feel you soon (now?)
Feel you soon (now?)
Friday, July 13, 2012
Would nightmares on a spaceship be different?
Stupid, I should know better cause all it does is to take me down big time. I've ignored my absolute need to write. I know I know, but there has been so much going on, not necessarily only in the physical world. Today, Friday 13th is very a heavy day. Not because it's Friday or the thirteenth or even those two put together. But there is something going on. Myself, I had two nightmares in one night, this is pretty unusual, at least to me. I never have nightmares, however the last few weeks they have been around a few times. Nobody in this house had a good night sleep last night and it kind of reminded me about going to the store a few days back; It was a really hot day, but inside there was tons of people and not to mention air-condition. The sound-level was high and the general mood was up there somewhere. We finished our shopping and are just packing our bags at the cashier. Suddenly as we pay, the whole store fell silent at the same time - a total energy shift took place right in front of my eyes. I wasn't the only one to take a note of this change. I could see quite a few confused heads around the store.
This is of course not the first time I experience this kind of collective perception but it's a great example. This is why, when I woke up this morning feeling heavy as crap and hadn't had much sleep was not surprised to find the same in everyone else in the house. Even the neighbors next to us and across the street felt the same. It is such a heavy morning, and at the moment I'm just waiting for the sun to dry up my peace garden so I can mulch some more and weed my hands dirty. I don't believe this is a good day to mess around with any of the higher chakras, today we need to stay grounded and have a margarita.
"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."
-Edgar Allan Poe-
Alright, it might not have been directly stupid, cause I've been doing a lot of.. let's call it research and meditation. But my outlet in writing has been gone for a couple of weeks and I needed my lover four years back to remind me in a e-mail this morning. I'm now realizing these days that time really does go faster as we go. Don't get me wrong, I've known this for a long time but one thing is to say something, another to listen to yourself.
My body and mind is very tired of having people in my life pull me down emotionally. Most of them I don't know and never will. Even as I go for a walk I pass them every day. Energythiefs or confused and lost people that really don't know how to connect - and I'm sad to see this because I wish them the best of luck but I don't have enough energy to help everyone. Especially if they don't want any help due to stubbornness or society-blindfolds. I find it funny that most of them believe it is the other way around, that I'm the lost one in their game. I haven't really figured out how to prove them wrong, but then again it might just not be my responsibility. I've chosen a few people in my life that I want to share my energy with and yes, almost all of them got it now. This really makes me happy, it's just too bad that I feel I have to put up a shield for everybody else. My biggest problem is that I really love everything and everyone, even my foe's.
I think the hardest and easiest for a lot of people is to get stuck. Stuck in a routine, stuck in habits or feelings, stuck in bed, stuck at work, stuck in a relationship, stuck in life. Loosen up good people, a very good friend of mine reminded me the other day that a person that stops learning, stop expanding is no friend of mine. This is about change, most people learned that word in an election a few years back but I'm sad to see that most people still don't get it, not even in the political sense it was meant.
A six year old told me the other day; "Jack, stay true to yourself, look I'm on a spaceship!" I'm glad he didn't say be true to yourself, because I know I really am. And the spaceship was awesome.
This is of course not the first time I experience this kind of collective perception but it's a great example. This is why, when I woke up this morning feeling heavy as crap and hadn't had much sleep was not surprised to find the same in everyone else in the house. Even the neighbors next to us and across the street felt the same. It is such a heavy morning, and at the moment I'm just waiting for the sun to dry up my peace garden so I can mulch some more and weed my hands dirty. I don't believe this is a good day to mess around with any of the higher chakras, today we need to stay grounded and have a margarita.
"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."
-Edgar Allan Poe-
Alright, it might not have been directly stupid, cause I've been doing a lot of.. let's call it research and meditation. But my outlet in writing has been gone for a couple of weeks and I needed my lover four years back to remind me in a e-mail this morning. I'm now realizing these days that time really does go faster as we go. Don't get me wrong, I've known this for a long time but one thing is to say something, another to listen to yourself.
My body and mind is very tired of having people in my life pull me down emotionally. Most of them I don't know and never will. Even as I go for a walk I pass them every day. Energythiefs or confused and lost people that really don't know how to connect - and I'm sad to see this because I wish them the best of luck but I don't have enough energy to help everyone. Especially if they don't want any help due to stubbornness or society-blindfolds. I find it funny that most of them believe it is the other way around, that I'm the lost one in their game. I haven't really figured out how to prove them wrong, but then again it might just not be my responsibility. I've chosen a few people in my life that I want to share my energy with and yes, almost all of them got it now. This really makes me happy, it's just too bad that I feel I have to put up a shield for everybody else. My biggest problem is that I really love everything and everyone, even my foe's.
I think the hardest and easiest for a lot of people is to get stuck. Stuck in a routine, stuck in habits or feelings, stuck in bed, stuck at work, stuck in a relationship, stuck in life. Loosen up good people, a very good friend of mine reminded me the other day that a person that stops learning, stop expanding is no friend of mine. This is about change, most people learned that word in an election a few years back but I'm sad to see that most people still don't get it, not even in the political sense it was meant.
A six year old told me the other day; "Jack, stay true to yourself, look I'm on a spaceship!" I'm glad he didn't say be true to yourself, because I know I really am. And the spaceship was awesome.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
I grow a few inches every day
You and I and everyone
You and me and everyone are the same, but different
You know this is true because you can feel it deep inside
You are very special
You don't have to find yourself
You have to create yourself
You make an amazing difference to everything
You are a part of the earth
You have to let your fruits go when they ripe
Your fruits can be sweet or bitter
You are one of a kind
Your branches split by your choices
You are part of the big cycle
You should always explore your creative skills
Your responsibility is to take care of your roots
You will be strong enough to stand up through storms
You have to stretch for the sun
I'm actually a tree, and so are you.
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