always found the whole idea of being left on a desert island
interesting. First of all; I believe that all things are alive and in
symbiosis with me. This includes trees and grass, creatures in the sand
and so on. Being alone is going to be a lot harder than first imagined.
I would compromise to agree that pure sand is not alive so find me an
island with just dead sand an I would gladly spend a few weeks to
understand the real feeling of being alone. The closest I've been is
spending days alone in the mountain. But then again, among trees,
berries, wind, sun and animals I was never alone, in fact - I've never
felt more connected.
"When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him."
-Thomas Szasz-
Humans sometimes lack a quality that nature has naturally. It is pure
goodness which is very real in nature. Instead we have developed an ego
that blocks us from develop our intuition. Humans need to learn how to
rid themselves of their ego, fast. Because however we'd like to look at
it time is running out, rapidly faster by the hour. We once had all the
time in the world to make these changes, but that is now in the past.
We cannot any longer limit ourselves we have to join nature in order to
survive. If we get rid of our ego we take away the limits and become
infinite in tact with nature. As of now we are limiting instead of
loving and uplifting each other.
I'm generalizing and I shouldn't. But I'm not writing this for those of
us that already got the point and can feel the energy I'm talking
about. I'm talking to the searchers and confused souls out there. I'm
not pointing fingers because most of us will get it sooner or later,
but it's time for you to
change and put your ego away. This time not only for an hour or two but
for all future. I ask you this because we are all connected and I need
you all to do so. This way we can stand stronger and tall in the name
of love. If you can not understand what I'm trying to tell you, you're
eye has been clouded by the wrong energies. This is a pretty common
perception to have in our time but like I've said there is no longer
time for this in our reality. We have no choice but to take a stand.
It's not about blame but it is an fact that evil is easier to feel than
love but just as with everything else in life there is nothing that
can't be learned. Even our own body can teach you this. Just think
about how many muscles you use to smile verses what you use in a grim
face. Of course, not projecting feelings at all requires a minimum.
Then again don't forget that despite all our differences we all have
the same distance between our eyes. I need you to figure this out asap.
The confusion you are feeling and the uncertainty is stealing the good
energies and are making them bad, I can't watch this no longer. I see
sponges of people everywhere I go like nothing I've ever seen before.
Searching for answers you are emptying me. I will not hold back on my
energy. I can, yes, but it's not me and it never was. Problem is I only
have limited of energy before I have to recharge, I plead you again;
please learn how to control yourselves.
I understand it might feel scary and lonely, but know that you are not
alone and the fear is equal for both sides. There is no need of being
an ignorant asshole, cause it won't suit you. Time of playing
characters are out. We are entering a time where secrets no longer
exist and life really do. It is time for us to listen to our
forefathers and mothers, anything else would be ignorant and selfish.
Jump yourself a thousand year into the future and think back. How do
you feel about all the research done today is just overseen and not
much cared about at all? Don't you ever wonder how ancient cultures all
over this planet came to very much the same conclusions as we do today
and even more interesting, they did it without internet or any human
made communication. The answers to all our questions is just around the
corner. Not in time, but in you.
Remember also; our truths does not have to be the same but the result
will be. Love everything and everyone because that's what you are meant
to do. As I wrote this there was a person sitting behind me talking to
his date about how everyone has to learn their own way and get burned.
I read people fairly well, I know he was talking about himself,
especially because I met his eyes in the middle of his conversation.
Now, I could have said something but decided not to, after all he was
on a date and needed to pull his self esteem up just to trust himself
enough to make a conversation. I promise you this, when you are content
to be yourself and don't compare or compete everybody will respect you.
Be proud of who you are, because this is how you take care of everyone
else and build energy instead of using it. When this is said, make sure
it's the right one.
If you own an island like this I would love to go there and plant a few
seeds, just to maybe stop the erosion. It's important but as we speak
icebergs are breaking loose from glaciers and the sea level is rising
in a speed never ever recorded before. Time is running out, we have to
take action now, today.
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