Monday, July 23, 2012

The center of the earth can be anywhere

If I tell you the truth, chances are you're not going to believe it anyway. I've learned that when you walk through a storm, you shall hold your head up high and don't be afraid of the dark. This storm is far from over and I do feel very much afraid of the dark. I know you are too, but it's not always easy to see a butterfly on a distance, even if somebody is pointing it out to you. Butterflies are best seen at daytime of course, they tend to sleep at night. Holding my head high is a totally different story, it kinda depends on what kind of darkness that surrounds me. But just like the monarch butterflies know six generations ahead where to go I believe the same is true for humans. Our problem is that we don't have an official documented record for our earlier paths which of course make it a lot harder to see the whole picture. It does however not mean it's not there. If you know how to connect to your genetic you and follow your stream of generations back, you might just be looking at your future. All knowledge is within you and your life is based on the capacity of energy inside of you, not outside of you. This knowledge let me walk with my head high - most of the time. 

Funny thing is; I don't have to tell you the truth because you already know it! Now, you can always choose to listen - and my truth is not necessarily yours, visa versa. When it comes to our common side of the truth however - the one that runs in what we mathematically can refer to as the fourth dimension and upwards; we all share the same chaos of all our realities. Explaining all dimensions here will take a long blog, which is why I'll do something I rarely do; adding a link. It is purely mathematical but will explain a lot of the basics of dimensions if you still don't know how to search within yourself. It is not even important to know all of this, but I cannot say it enough: Please do your own research, you don't have to take my word for any of it, make it your own. At latest today I was reminded that it's not the planning itself that is the important part, but it would be stupid not to listen to experience of others. Mother earth has her way of teaching us the hard way when we do it wrong. Never doubt your own powers as your own ruler, coexist and listen to your inner voice. Do not let human-created religions (whether it is in the name of God, Fashion, Buddha, Politics or ANY other) overpower your abilities or cloud your way of seeing the real truth of what you already know from deep inside yourself. You don't have to dismiss them either, they all have their sense of truth but they are all open for interpretation where your genes and genetic saved history is not. Remember that all religious writings, just like anything else you read, are written, edited, told by mouth, edited again and finally edited some more before someone else's toughs of what will be the best for your understanding is editing the text before you read it. I know that just to get the right information about today's world-news I will have to check at least five newspapers online plus the paper version in my local coffee shop. What makes you think it's any different in religious writings? Together they are collective works from around the world, seen together... well it can still be hard to not see the forest for all the trees, but who are to say that you can't just walk into the freakin' forest and feel it all yourself? 

"In great affairs men show themselves as they wish to be seen; in small
things they show themselves as they are."
-Nicholas Chamfort-

When you do this, understands it and truly get the concept of who you (we) are and why, I can or will not promise you that you'll be happy or pleased. But I never asked you to be either. I, myself, am a truth-seeker and part of this is also to pay it forward. But there is no point in going on unless we speak the same language or as a monk might will put it "reach the same level of consciousness". We really are all the same but still very different in our ways of getting there. I just want to make sure that we all get there, it's just part of what we're here to do. Don't be scared, this is supposed to be a happy time and don't even try to believe that you're not part of it like everything dead or alive that ever existed.

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