Thursday, July 26, 2012

Every big problem was at one time a wee disturbance.

What would you attempt to do, if you knew you could not fail? You have to believe you can do anything you put your mind to but believing is not all, you have to feel and act as well. When we learn something new, unless you have a mental disability like religion, stuck in life or no brain at all, there is no reason why you shouldn't make it big in whatever it is you've just learned. Life is funny that way, problem often is that we tend to do what other people put in our mind instead, it's just easier. In fact - humans forfeit something like tree fourth of ourselves to be like others, often more, sadly in some cases; everything. I really wish for everyone to be able to make their own choices as long as it does not hurt others. Personally, I no longer know how to communicate with totally lost cases. They are just to far off and the distance between us grows with me. Strangely enough I don't have any of those in my life any more, except from the ones passing me on the street. The block-button do exist in real life too, even though you, like me, should never be the one to use it unless the person is hurting you. This because we all play the same game but being different players we have

"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use."
-Soren Kierkegaard-

I can tell it is a somewhat hard job to never forget who we are, but just as easy. Not to be confused with remembering who we are.. guys? To say that nothing is set in life we evolve around constant expanding change. As individuals this is not completely true or at least it didn't use to be - our lifespan has just been to short for big changes to happen within one single generation. What was before does not have to be any longer. Of course, I do understand that this is hard for a lot of people just because it's so much easier to not care and/or stop learning. It's also part of the job description of being human. However - make no mistake, nobody made you apply for this job and with a very strict management that need to make change rapidly due to an amazing growth in unimaginable short time and a union that don't give a shit, you will get fired. Even worse; forgotten or ignored. Let us not forget in the middle of all this, in addition to be an employee, you are also the boss. Confused? It's about what you are going to do with the short time you have left on this earth. And it is still true that you have to be the change you want to see in this world. 

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Einstein

Forget time, forget place and please whatever you do; don't hold back! A stitch in time would have confused Einstein and even though he was ahead of his time he was also just a human on earth with dreams and a crazy hair, we got some wild photographs to prove that he was. Be spontaneous and open, don't plan to be. Planning to be spontaneous is like walking to the store to buy a six-pack. Do worry, your government or those in charge do understand this; being drunk or high is the only way, unless your a bit of an artsy person, they'll let you live out your spontaneous behavior without making a mess about being on their land, just make sure that gangs catch you. Those brainwashed to ensure you're not in danger of hurting the leaders or their politics, cause they do have a block-button. To make sure we go forward we ought to remember that fools rush in where fools have been before. Be bigger than that! Be your own strong person and know yourself well enough to survive the coming storms. We're not supposed to focus on the future, like Einstein said himself: Future will come soon enough. This does not mean we are to live in history or even yesterday, because that's procrastination. 


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