Things said can not be taken back. Once someone create a reality for you it is true.
"It's the opinion of some that crops could be grown on the moon. Which raises the fear that it may not be long before we're paying somebody not to."
-Franklin P. Jones-
However you will always be the one in charge of your life. You are the one that rules the final decision on whatever concern yourself. If you let other people get to you before yourself, your not in charge of your life anymore, witch sucks.
I've got to admit that when I started this blog this morning, I didn't know what I was up against. Without thinking I wrote the first two sentences and then stopped. I realized that I didn't know how to finish this text, so I waited. Of course throughout the day I've lifted my heart from the boundaries that I woke up with and also got the conversation and answers that I needed. When I woke up this morning I almost fainted due to lack of water. My body is just not used to these kinds of temperatures, also because of the storm last night my windows were closed. I literary had to hold on in the shower not to fall over. It was a bit scary, but since I understood right away why my body acted like this I got myself some water and a snack with some salt to hold the liquids. I still had trouble for a couple of hours even just speaking the words I was thinking. Be careful of the sun, it's not just feelings that can hurt. You're biggest enemy, the sun, will kill you inside the house if you're not careful.
Days go on and I do feel that I have all the conversations needed today to empty my heart of the things that has been setting me off my game all weekend. I feel like I've got this huge rock off my chest and heart in one day. I would think that the trick is and will always be communication. To find people that you can be honest with and not hide the truth for is a gift in life. I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by these people now. There is people here that trust me and cares about me. Better even, they love me. It's wrong to say that people don't love me at home, they do. But they don't really care about anything but themselves unless it's posted on facebook or interact with their schedule. I do blame facebook for a lot of things, this does not mean it's entirely their fault. Not at all! There is plenty of positive things about facebook. But as an ancient soul I say this again; Facebook should never rule your social life. Let's put it this way instead; You will never really grow as a human without human interaction, everything is then going to be what I would refer to as Wikiality. It's a great source of information, but you always have to pick your facts with care. And don't let people put words in your mouth. This place is where the strongest mouth their voice. But it will never be the strongest that survive, it's gonna be those who adapt.
"In answer to the question of why it happened, I offer the modest proposal that our universe is simply one of those things which happen from time to time."
-Edward P. Tryon-
I do realize that I'm being one that don't adapt to this thing. Right now if you look away from this blog. I spent about two hours deleting my facebook-account cause it's just not that easy to erase a personality from existence. This is now four years ago. And people I know is starting to loose interest for the whole facebook-mania. I'm worried that a lot of people are going to sit back with nothing but a broken heart. A million broken hearts are going to have the same affect on the worlds energy-grid as 9-11 had. People are to dependent on getting information about others. Just because the western world has embraced facebook as a savior for everything that is happening today. It has forgotten how the energy of another person smiling next to you will make you feel happy. The person next to you on the streets that just suddenly say "hi" and makes you smile. Even the angry man that passes you every day on his way to work is no more. Did you forget that he tough you to never become like him?
"There are many who dare not kill themselves for fear of what the neighbors will say."
-Cyril Connolly-
Alright I haven't really been answering my first words in this blog. But then I figured that it's actually just a blog. Not everything can be written or described with words. Some things you'll have to live through and learn from as you go. Internet is a very good guide to life, but only you can make it happen. Yes, people have done and said things to me that can never be taken back or redone. I've just decided not to act on their honesty and fear, cause when people are as scared as you'll find the world today; they just might attach you if you tell the truth. However, you can't really tell who you're friends really are before you're being honest with them.
That's it for today, I feel like sleeping now,
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