Saturday, June 23, 2012

Please start feeling again!

This is going to be about how you can help me, yourself and a lot of others. You are going to do this without walking the long way around and let your brain be in charge of what you say, think and act on. Just for a while, or into eternity I'd like you to try approach everything in your life with your feelings. If this isn't for you, we probably aren't going to be able to communicate any longer, and you may just as well stop reading here. I believe that whenever I let myself be controlled by my feelings at all times; your perspective widens to an understanding of life and everything that can not exist in this dimension. All the time from your born, you're thought how to use your brain. But of course there is no school for feelings. Unless you're a special kind of monk of course.

Don't try anything, just feel. Relax and let yourself open to whatever comes to you. Do not try to reason with yourself, just let it go. I don not accept rationalized fear as an answer. Things are what they should be everywhere and with everyone but we are affected by the actions of others and this is me tapping your shoulder.

I do realize that we need our brain as well, but as in everything else in nature; balance is everything. I wouldn't be able to write this without using my brain and I wouldn't know what to write in this blog by not reasoning and maybe a little tact. Feelings very often make us confused and sore. Once isolated we start growing in one direction. Open to everything around us in a way that's not necessarily a good thing. There is a lot of evil feeling as well in this world and without a brain we wouldn't be able to make the choices we need to feel happy and safe in life.

"As long as I can still laugh, I can still live. As long as I can still live, I can love, and as long as I can still love, I can do anything."
-John Allen-

Love is a feeling just as strong as hate. What I say is: All feelings are just as strong if you let them. The big difference being that feelings come and go. They show up in company with all living things or are triggered by your senses. Your are in control of your brain but not your feelings. If you are in total control of your feelings - You're fooling yourself and I bet my soul you are not a happy person. Feelings may not be the right word, I'm sure trees and animals have another name for it. 

Me, myself and I have been lucky enough to travel the world a bit. I still haven't covered a fraction of the physical world but I've been to some countries on different continents and some of the important things our brain learns are culture and languages. As a traveler, communicating with people is vital. I've got to tell you, this is never a problem until I or the other part start thinking. Whenever you don't let your brain be in charge your feelings will speak for you and this is how I can have a full conversation with someone in Thai or Bahasa Malay even though I don't understand a spoken word. As long as both parties turn of the brain and stop thinking too much for a while, we can speak Earth.

You will if your open to it like most people, especially parents, have the same relationship with a newborn child. We tend to say that children are innocent. And this is true, it's not until we are shocked by hate and evil feelings that they close down and become slaves to our brains, also called society.

"More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly."
-Woody Allen-

What I'm trying to say is that if you want to be a happy person, one that send out positive energy that will not only help yourself but everyone you surround yourself with - you should cut away as much negativity in your life as possible and start listening to yourself and look for good things to live for. Your brain will choose for you unless you really follow your instinct feelings. I only say this because I want you to be happy. I don't know how much you know about the energy-grid that surround the whole planet but in a sense even if I don't know you; If you are not entirely happy - neither will I be.

Please let me help you help me and everyone!

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