Thursday, August 9, 2012

The world of sharing

I just want to show some of the effects we humans have on this planet. This should be proof enough that we can make a change in this world, for better or worse. Internet is however not real world, it's of course a very nice escape but sorry guys. it's time to face some facts because since we haven't changed we are pushing mother earth into a corner - she has no change but to make us take action, she can be pretty harsh that way.

"An iceberg four times the size of Manhattan has broken off Greenland, creating plenty of room for global warming deniers to start their own country"

Ben to Ghana? There might not be much left to see, no more live forest due to dried up rivers, sand is taking over.

On the border of Congo, take a note and remember that this after picture is all the way back in year 2000.

Glaciers melting all over the planet for many reasons, not only people driving cars.. come on - dun't be stubborn and neglect to see the truth, just because you love your automobile.

Atlas of Our Changing Environment
Take lake Chad in Niger. On one of our driest continents the river don't meet the ocean any more.

Just published - Amazon deforestation from 1975 until today (2012) - Pictures by NASA. 

It wouldn't matter would it, if I showed you those pictures or not. When most of us don't give a shit or worse; feel like we can't make a change or a difference - we rather not act at all. But I do believe that if this planet is lost due to our ignorance and our mistakes; we should know about what the reason. Meaning for the change you see all around the world in both climate and culture. Accept responsibility for your footprint because all of us is part of this. There is no point in pushing the blame over to anybody else cause one way or another you contributed in some way or the other. For that we will have to forgive ourselves. We can point fingers at major corporations and governments (pretty much the same thing - except just one of them have proven profitable...) I just ask you to see this: know what you are being a part of and do not pretend it is not there. We just can't be this resistant to change when we are the one that is making it!

Not talking about everybody here. I know there are many of us (millions) that do care. Especially those who use their time outside and don't get stuck in the internet-world or the world created for us to not see. To be asleep, sitting down in our air-conditioned basements with no real perception at all. Most look at the news in the same way we look at movies. We look at pictures from natural disasters as Foreign Fairy tales. We believe in the stories fed to us saying that if we buy this or that we'll not only make ourself feel better - we'll spend so much time looking at this goal instead of what you're supposed to. Students are given computers to use in school resulting in impossible multitasking and diffused minds that won't learn anything any longer. The whole school system is a joke; teaching us how to calculate our way through life instead of actually living it. People actually kills themselves just because they don't get good enough grades - some will rather die than not be part of the right serenities. Our minds are kept so busy that we no longer connect with our roots other than what we read in books, even our religions are misleading and we choose to believe in something outside ourselves instead of believing in ourself as the one being in charge of our lives. Not the world, not the climate or the culture - yes - your choices will change the world.

Reporting from real world,

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Just a fortune-cookie

"To live your life in fear of losing it is to lose the point of life." This is true and it said so in my fortune cookie today, it's funny cause I haven't really eaten Chinese today and I rarely actually do. The cookie was just laying around in the kitchen. I once visited a fortune cookie factory and now, every time I see a fortune cookie I think of the small one-room factory in China Town, San Francisco. It wasn't much bigger than an average bedroom and they had cleaned out all the kids, the only worker left to do the millions of fortune cookies they produced every year, was an old grandmother that I am pretty sure had no eyesight. She can't even have been close to read any of the hundred thousand different pre printed fortunes she manually put in each and every one of them. If I didn't know better I would have guessed that the old woman was blind cause she was leaning over the machinery like she had grown stuck to the thing and when she turned around to look at me, she had to turn her whole body. She smiled with her whole face and after I was done looking at the fallen wall of something that probably was a nice row of perfect teeth I started to look for her eyes. It seemed like her eyeballs was swallowed by the rest of her face and she smiled like I would imagine the witch in Hansel and Gretel would. I didn't stay to long, just long enough to have a small china-man with a mob-hat and a great fat cigar that polluted the whole room with an unbearable smell tell me his family history on how they escaped from the great land of China and got stuck in this wannabe melting pot on the other side of the ocean. He stuck a bunch of flat or cracked cookies - stuff that had been taken out of production into my mouth with small fat dirty fingers, and sold me a bag of the same stuff for a dollar before he hushed me out and yelled out "Next!". It's a great memory and a funny story and I remember it as if it was yesterday. The question is of course, do you believe it was a coincidence that I found this exact fortune cookie today. Also I would probably never tell you this story if it wasn't for just this - maybe my fortune was meant for more than myself already when it was made back at the factory. That doesn't matter any more, because now it is your fortune too. I didn't eat the cookie itself cause I might be allergic to it, someone else will get that joy - and that makes me feel happy.

"We are here and it is now. Further than that all human knowledge is moonshine."
-H. L. Mencken-

Sunday, August 5, 2012

We create our fate every day we live

You, as small as you might think you are do really make a change in the world. You do not have to be the one to change the whole world, but one person a day is not an unrealistic goal - and that might mean the world for that one person. It does not have to be anything big. What about making someone smile or give away a compliment. Maybe listen to someone that needs it or sit down and talk to someone in vein. There is really no point in rising yourself to a better position than anybody else. Know that you get what you give and that Karma's a bitch (but in a good and a bad way) Give, but don't expect to be repaid what you give in the same way. There are plenty of ways for us to get, and it does not mean that we always get what we want but rather what is right.

You can choose not to do your own thinking and there is of course a plan set up for you for when you don't. We will have to take a stand at some point; “Govern” is from Latin meaning “control”, and “ment” is from Latin meaning “mind”. It has nothing to do with feelings and life, there is no love involved and there is no power in squares. If you control minds, you control everything. It is probably easier in mathematics to deal with angels than circles and curves all the time. We have to remember that we do have the ability to brake camp whenever the season or danger calls for it. We belong to earth and most everything you have learned after you was born, including your name and the borders of your country, the law and not to forget your school system is made up to keep you as limited as possible. If you were to learn what you were supposed to learn the first place to search is outside the society that made the rules of what you are to learn every year. You are supposed to learn whatever falls natural for you to learn, you are supposed to ask the questions that is right for you and not those given to you. You are to develop your own sense of instinct and not follow a community's sense of direction. You should have learned to find the answers to all your questions within yourself and have realized that your self is everything - not the other way around.

Nothing is set in life and you only get hurt by believing that it is - for so to be proved wrong when you think you are on top of everything. You do have the chance to be in control of everything in your life, but for that to happen in this world you will need a whole bunch of money and thereby have the power to decide the fate of others. Sadly a very few of us has taken this on themselves, and they use their power to make sure you are not one of them, they will do anything, absolutely everything to make sure you do not understand what you are being a part of. Truth is that all of us can be that free, we can be this power. We can all be in charge of everything all the time, but we have to stand up and break out of it. In a world where no one decides what love is supposed to be, what is a right kind of a relationship for a sustainable society (that in the end wasn't that sustainable after all). Also who you are supposed to spend your energy on and at what cost.

"Living hell is the best revenge."
-Adrienne E. Gusoff-

All rules of society is made up, although always changing and in the real world and politics they are just the game played to think you make a change. In close cooperation with world "free" press (I don't know what press is in Latin) and the governments there is always some that take the final decision in the end. It is sadly a very well played game and we are all extras on a enormous spinning-stage. Too bad we never rocked in poker. There is a saying that there is no small parts and this is the perfect place to use it because you are exactly where you are meant to be to make a change. In order to really make a change I need you to wake up. If you are not able to wake up right now you should at least be hoping for a better world and know how the energy of love feels and how it affect others. If you really know love, there is no reason for you to go back to hate and fear, if so - you are broken and need to be fixed, I suggest you search for someone to help you with this. If you know your guides, you should ask them, if you don't know them - ask them anyway cause they will help you. Let the peace come from inside, let it steer you toward joy. I'm not sure what I feel about the fact that when you do a search for the word "Joy" on the world wide web, all you really find is links to happiness. Joy is in itself a very valuable feeling and should not be confused with happiness. Sadly most of us do not know joy yet -  because joy is the price you get from feeling real love and real peace. To feel real love and peace you need to dear dreaming of a future and most likely it is nothing like the reality you see today. The future does not come by itself, for that to happen you need to take action and actually believe that you can make a change. If not for others I bet you would like one for yourself, cause after all - that's why you are reading this. Coincidences do not exist, everything happens for a reason and you choose for reality to manifest in front of you. Whatever you do, do not let anything you do not want to manifest in your life. You really do get what you ask for, it all depends on your relationship with Karma (or whatever you might call her) and of course with everybody else.

We make choices every day that change our fate forever. We are mostly not aware of this, we go through life without caring about anything at all except from when we're expected to. Here's the trick: If we start to understand that we actually do make a change with the exact same actions we do every day we might start to make choices that are for the best for everyone and not just for our ego's. You can do as many changes as you want around you, it's all up to the effort you put into it and how much love you have to give. If you know the source - you can change the whole world with your strength.

Peace and love,

Look at the sun at day and the stars at night

"Why do you dream of this world that doesn't exist for everyone else?" and "There is no one else like you.." These are false accusations to me. It sounds more like a scream for help and a wish for everything to be more than they are able to see or wish for. When the argument is that the local papers are all you ever read and the news only portrait and project what they want. I have to ask you to stop watching and start feeling with your heart again, stop letting your brain necessarily be your most important organ in your body. We understand that the truth of who we are is more intricate than I sometimes are outing to you or the rest of the "world". It was no surprise that all the fuckups didn't show until all the kids had grown up was it? Our attention span just isn't that good, especially in our time. I let you think you did, but the truth is that you do not confuse me like you might like to think. The truth is far more than that, it's wider and it's outside of your box.

Sitting at the table, eating breakfast, lunch and dinner with the same people get you into a certain mood, a certain way of thinking doesn't it? Did you forget to think that you can do anything in your life, that the strength lays in you? You looked at me like I am an amazing person with an amazing life and a perfect free lifestyle. (You were right but I don't always agree myself, but thanks for the compliment) Instead of making it your way of living you are to scared to take the step yourself. Thank you anyway for living your life through mine, I mean this and say there is room for everybody. Wikiality is however that I am no different than any other person I have ever met, except from my choices. This all depends on how much you let other people steer your wheel. Like I have told you: some people get scared of me. At latest today while me and a friend was going for a walk I saw people look at me, scared of themselves; they didn't even take the chance of meeting me and turned on their heal just to walk in another direction, away from the truth. Facing our fears is the only thing you can do to put things behind you and know this to be true. I also met open people of course, people that stopped, shook my hand and thanked me for being me. Listen to yourself, remember that I am you!

The reason for me to write is because there is more to the world than what you tell me you think there is. The world is wonderful and full of love, but when everything else is clouded it's hard to see what really is. I will take away your shield, that I can't really help any longer, not if I am to let myself be me. You may make as many excuses as you won't I won't stop you. You may even try to hide and try to protect yourself. It is not my right to stop you from feeling - either love or hate, but I will tell you my stand and point of view if I need to. The love I feel for you is real and honest. Whoever you are - I do love you. Whatever you do; never blame me for your false feelings, cause I'm being nothing but honest with you. Judge me as much as you want but as I write my "I's" you know it concern yourself as much as yourself(!) It's no more than the flight of the bumblebees.

"Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance, or a stranger."
-Franklin P. Jones-

Sometimes the river overflow with water. It just let go of the energy and a wave flush people of their rocks. If you don't know how to swim this might hurt in the beginning. Cause of course it makes it hard to breath and you do have to take a breath once in a while. You can not however try to make the river stop. Take tree breaths and your body relaxes like you should. Continue by doing some meditation and you might get some of the answers you are looking for. I ask you this however; don't pick just the truths you like to believe in and oversee the rest of them, cause you do feel whenever you are making a choice whether it is right for you or not. Do not make this a bad thing - and don't judge others for doing something else than you - they have just the same right as you to be themselves regardless of how painful that is to watch.

You asked why I dream of a world that doesn't exist. I answered you but I don't thing you caught the answer. You thought I answered just for myself. Like mentioned we are the same, all of us are and time will show this truth too. You told me I was the ultimate dreamer, a person that will never find his way, but still you hoped for me to do just that. Why don't you give yourself this gratitude? Why do you limit yourself? By reading only one book in your life it will make this book part of you like "reality". Then again that book is written by one person only and by only having one other souls view on your truth I do feel that this put you very much in a small box instead of entering the entire universe like we are meant to. Look inside yourself and gain access to the whole library. Love is the key.

You're the five hundred twenty five thousand
Six-hundredth person to tell me that
No one could ever love me, I'm crazy
And that may well be
- Jay Brennan -

Judge me if you have to, but I do know you and I judged you first. Don't read between the lines where there is nothing to read. Don't twitch my words for something it is not. Being blunt is my persona and if you don't like that is fine with me. To let your sour stomach hit me in the face is lower than what I expected from anyone and when this happen I choose to look at it as an confused action, and I forgive you. Nobody can hurt me by being confused and out of place. We don't have to take in anything, what I say, feel and write is out there for you take if you want it and since I don't believe in coincidences I do believe that you are here for a reason. Just don't make a conclusion until you have read the whole story. We are equipped with two eyes and one mouth which tell us that we are to see the double of what we speak of, I sometimes feel I have seen too much, for that I forgive myself. If you need confirmation, use your nose - when all tree agree, make a statement.. or ask the questions you need to make one - but never spread fear where there is supposed to be love.

Let's build positive energy together, It's amazing how we can be unique just by being ourselves,

Friday, August 3, 2012

Imagine all the people living life in peace

I know that most of the time people don't really try to be assholes, they just can't help it. They walk through life like ignorant bastards and think they know everything about everyone where they actually don't even grasp a small percentage of their own fucked up life. Of course they prefer to live inside the box, it's all they've ever known, some even believe this is all that exist. You should however know how this works to avoid the mistake yourself (read: let's save some lives together) When someone believe that life is better for them than for you they will, in their mind think they're better than you, regardless of whatever they know about how you spend your time or space and how little you care about them. They will talk down to you in front of others, they will make jokes about you (or others like you or someone you know, we're all the same... - you get the point) in family dinners and at block-parties. In many cases they even get violent and abusive. They will find you boring after a short conversation or session - but the harm is already done, and one bad critic needs at least ten to correct.

You actually have prove them wrong, you shouldn't have to and this is probably also going to make them hate you - but by doing this you have now turned it into hate with respect. If you don't act, if you just live your life and don't settle down with kids you never asked for and a job you can't stand, in their eyes - you will still be a looser and forever their enemy or conversation-piece. This is how they trick you. It's kinda funny actually, cause this is how societies morality really works on people; these indoctrinated views of society will take charge if you let it happen. A person in denial will always, always try to blame you for their problems(!) In their perfect life they will use you as the person that do all the "mistakes" they never had the balls to do themselves - after all; people love to live their life through others, it is a lot easier to just sit in the audience anyway, but everyone sees when the clown is crying.

At the same time, next to being jealous, they are impressed by your strength and your ability to stay true to yourself. The whole thing is actually just a misunderstood type of respect. Today we get a lot of those characters from movies and television. TV, for example - manifest the characters I'm talking about in our lives. Television create unnatural stereotypes in our heads. What we know as the real world however; is nothing like a scripted sitcom. Behind the characters there are real people and real people have real feelings - feelings that again are connected to your own, you understand this by now right? (If not, keep reading) I guess we all need someone to laugh at sometimes and most people won't put themselves in this spotlight (and you better know your strength before you do) Being that person can hurt a lot - in many cases too much. I've seen people leave us for ever from time and reality due to discrimination like the one we are talking about. When someone is typecasted to play this character it is social rape. It doesn't feel right does it? Even as you read this you can feel that I'm right!? If you look at for example; drug addicts around the world. You'll find a lot of the people like the ones I'm talking about. Pushed into a corner and nowhere to escape they turned to drugs or alcohol. Already at young age some turned to violence and and in the worst cases they become deeply rooted in pure fear. For most of them it's way to late to change it around - but you better remember that they were people before they get to were they are today. And you contributed to their fall(!) either you like it or not, you accepted this as you accepted being part of society. Don't be an ignorant shit right now, try tell me you didn't...! We all do, even the best of us. Again, just like that guy from the christian bible and the somewhat 27 totally like stories from different ancient religions and cultures all around this planet: The suffering they took on themselves was for you to see the fear and to redeem the people before you had to go there yourself. They never choose this fate, society did it for them. They never choose to be become an addict, a martyr, or a freakin' mass murderer. But because of our choices they had no choice but not to be part of society. And good as society is in our "wonderful" world we don't really give them much understanding or even a option.
Please Climb The Tree
Even though most souls around don't understand this, I do, and many others with me. Changing the world isn't done in a blink of the eye, it might of course but I'm not sure how that would affect us either. Now however, it is time for you to realize this before it's too late. I've spent some time being one of those people now, still am - I guess, can't really change who we are. There is loads of people trying to help the lost ones among us without even knowing what kind of help they are supposed to give and in a way, we're all lost. We walk a path that has overgrown since last time we saw it. It would be idiopathic not to listen to our ancient's impairments, or directly shameful stupidity.

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace

-John Lennon- 

I ask; when are we going to understand that there is not just one way to live in a society - in this created world? There is no such thing as a perfect family or a perfect individual, not a perfect country and if you think there is one, that's you jealousy speaking. Your jealousy that is based in fear, thereby off the river. Such thing as a perfect anything never existed and it never will, it's all based in fear. And here I walk around thinking that people and families are supposed to be built on love? Well, the stereotypes is already established, not much we can do about them but to fight the right to be our own person first. We have to learn to tell ourself to never be pushed into something we don't believe in - ever again! And there is not one right answer, we are all different and will always be. We have to respect this and at the same time embrace our differences. What's right for me doesn't have to be right for you and don't even start to think that you are the one with all the answers. Everyone has their own reality to take care of first, then we can start talking.

When all this is said, and I don't really know why I choose today to write about this. I don't even know why - after all; This is the created world, we can brake free from this at any time but I am realizing that a lot of us never will. (That's why chistianity has an old and a new testament ^^) Besides; the time of a guru should have been over by now, stubbornness hold us back I guess. Respect and love everything and everyone cause you are in no right to rise above any of them, only yourself, if even that.

What a wonderful world,

It's no-ego time!!!

What a world what a world. Today I feel like smiling. I woke up this morning and thought; wow, I'm alive! Like a roller coaster - our lives are a pretty amazing ride. The reason I smile is because I believe this is going to be a wonderful weekend. Even the guy at the liquor store agreed with me.. He also wished me a nice coming week as well so I'll just take his word for it. I have no idea of why this is such a nice day and I do have a small hope that it is just going to be super-quiet weekend where nothing really do happen. Just a peaceful few days, watching butterflies and listening to the birds with lots of time for dreaming. Looking forward to maybe do some gardening and hopefully take some pictures with my new camera. There has been a nice change the last few days and the general feeling is just very much in tune. It seems like Karma is back on my side for a while and at least until next month my bills are paid off. Now I have two different trips slash journey's to plan; One is a canoe trip with a good friend of mine, the other is my next destination, but I have about a week to do this. I believe the reason for the joy I feel today is that I once again have let myself do a little dreaming instead of just being stuck in here and now. Here and now is a amazing place. Of course - but right now doesn't really give that much room for dreams or fantasy. Watching to many dreams fall and crash I have been careful to let them take too much space in my time lately. Strange really cause they always makes me feel better about this world. Or - I take that back; It's not that strange, in which of the worlds I know do dreams belong? It's for damn sure not the one that is already created for us.

You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
-George Bernard Shaw-

We need dreams. To quote one of the american president's speeches: "We need men who can dream of things that never were" - Dangerous things to say in war-times. The speech was held in Ireland in 1963 - just a couple of months before that someone was shot in a car by a person that was himself murdered by another man two days later. Guess we'll never know the real truth.. never is however relative just like all time and space. When I grew up we learned how to never pay of our credit card debt with another credit card - I guess this is wisdom from later ages. Funny is it however that studies on dreams tell us that during an eight hour's night of sleep we spend two of them dreaming, and this varies from person to person. However, I can't find any information on how much we dream during the time we are awake. In fact we still don't completely understand what dreams are even as we sleep. This of course; if we are do believe the approved studies published for public. I prefer doing my own research on the subject, after all it's highly personal.

Like I said; dreams make me happy. They make me wish for a future and they make me feel that I can do anything. This of course is the truth as long as they don't get polluted by fear. Best of all, for the most parts, they are only mine. I don't let anyone else create my dreams for me. I don't mind sharing with those who cannot make their own either, I'm just happy to help. I have an endless supply of dreams if I want to, damn the one that takes that away from me(!) Being in tune with nature give me the chance to dream as much as I want. Responsibilities, routines, work and expectations are some of the things that make me push dreams away. In the created world, off the river, I am required to follow a certain linear path instead of floating freely around and expand my energy to what or wherever I know is right. The worst thing anyone can do to me is ask me to limit myself or tell me to follow a certain path that is not for me. This is no ones right and I'm lucky to be the strong person I am. Strong enough to withstand the energy of people I feel move in the wrong direction, have stopped or are being followers instead of taking charge of their own life and thereby also their dreams.

"The wisest men follow their own direction"

People in general don't like to see other people have the freedom. It scares them. It makes them feel like they have been making the wrong choices, that they have trusted the wrong people and not themselves. They are sure that there is something better than what they have and that they're just stuck in their life. My honest opinion is yes, they are completely right - even if they felt they didn't have a choice - it's easy to recognize a truth when you see it. Accepting it is a whole other story. There is always a chance to change your reality, for better or worse. This doesn't make them less jealous or feel less fearful. There is an ego involved that is working at it's hardest to make the created world the right one. I really do understand this, for now there is a lot more fear in this world than love - the change will come soon, but for now the masses will go where there is the most food, regardless of how it taste. Jealousy is however a very dangerous feeling. Very many people through history has been killed due to jealousy and fear.

All I can do is to ask in a nice way: Please leave your ego at home and open your hearts to dreams, start listening to your heart again and let your brain go to sleep for a while. It has been working overtime for a few thousand years. You can of course ignore this message, easy peasy, just look at this as a dream - but I have a feeling you won't let that happen. Stay strong and be free - It's the only way to be yourself.


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Well we're all in the mood for a melody

I woke up this morning feeling fucking tired. I had been twitching because of humid temperatures and strange dreams all night. On top of this my head feels fuzzy from yesterdays last glass of wine. Cheap wine, type bag in box for twelve dollars. I keep it chilled in a fifty year older fridge that is starting to ice up due to rapid opening and closing over time. I look outside my window and it's cloudy, feels exactly like my mood. I can smell myself and it's not exactly my favorite smell in the morning. It's about the same feeling I have when I wake up on the shower floor on cold hard tiles with a matching headache, this have happened a couple of times. Today is nothing like that of course, it must be at least a year since last time this happened. I only had a few glasses yesterday, over a longer period of time and not to forget a live concert at a coffee-place where they don't serve alcohol so instead I had two cups of coffee after nine o clock at night. I put my feet on the floor, my bed is pretty tall so I do have some coordinating to do before I can finally stretch my arms to reach the ceiling. I don't but I can hear how there is a loud crack somewhere between my shoulder blades. I put my hand up to my mouth and my breath smells bad, really horrible. And I get a little frightened as I discover my hands to be blue. Just for a short time until I remember that I played with food-coloring yesterday.

I have this new discoloration on my front teeth, and I just cleaned them so from now on I'll just let it be. I try not to drink red wine and quit smoking about a month ago, before I cleaned my teeth. But my coffee they can never take away from me! This tooth thing has kind of made me give up on brushing my teeth like I used to, but of course I still brush them twice a day - just not for that long. In a attempt of multitasking I bring my toothbrush into the shower and wash of a little, it does make me feel a little better. My mind however is stuck to the credit card bill I got by e-mail last night and I figure the best thing is just to deal with it right away, face your fears, right? So I go down to the kitchen and after a brief "good morning" I drag some pre-cut watermelon out of the fridge and smash it onto a plate with a half avocado. I thought my mood was fairly well hidden and by all means, it wasn't bad either... just not top notch. I got some heated eggs from yesterdays or the day before's breakfast on my plate and go out to the backyard were I can sit mostly undisturbed by the world outside. Outside our house there is a small free little library where you can take a book, leave a book and every morning since I got here I've been leaving a new quote in the window of the library. Today the quote was: "Think of all the you joy'll have when you leave this world" by Peter Pan. I found it last night as one of the last thing I did before it was time for sleep. It's of course by the writer of Peter Pan but I never remember his name. And I think how about that movie Finding Neverland is total bullshit. With today's quote in place I get my computer started and log onto my e-mail account just to find that another credit card company has sent their bill as well. I think: "okay (fuck this), fine - let's just do this". I can tell that this is not going to be my favorite morning of this life.

Of course one of the reference-numbers for the one bill don't work so it won't really let me pay. I send an e-mail to the credit card company and just leave it at that. I'll have to deal with it later I guess... This is where I usually find the time to calm down for the day. Either by a garden-walk or meditation - I usually do both, but I might skip the garden-walk in the morning. Problem today is; I can't really find the peace for meditation and the meditation is all I really want to do. I still try though. I sit down and try to not focus but there is just too many disturbances at this point. I look at the time and it's only nine, a little early for my taste and I know that the coffee place will be packed of morning-people. I go anyway, after all I don't have anything else planned for the day. The walk isn't long. It's about five blocks, a perfect stroll. I don't know about English but in Norwegian we have over fifty words for walking and I like to explore those when I have time for it.

I was almost right about the people at the coffee-place. It's not super-crowded but enough people to make me push my ass down between an empty table and a guy that seems totally eaten by a computer and a cup of tea or something in that direction. I get myself a cup of coffee. They have started to give me a real cup now and not the take-out stuff they used to. Back at my table I open my computer and find the stage-door to my blog. It's called Temporary Chronicles because everything I'm writing is subject to change just like everything else in this universe. I'm happy with the name. I feel that stuff I write is pretty important and I also feel I have an insight to the stuff I write about which gives it a little of the extra factor. More than blogs about fashion and politics or just everyday life at least. This might just be my ego speaking up again, it tend to do that - but I've noticed it's more for my own protection than anything else and I've learned to control it. The important thing for me is that I am as honest as possible in the moment I'm writing a text, very much like an meditation.

"Speak the truth, but leave immediately after." 
-Slovenian Proverb-

So I sit down with my computer ready with a blank document and is kind of looking around the room. There's a couple of aunties on the table in front of me, signalizing that I have been noticed and my affection for a cute guy in the middle of the room is also noted. I was just taking my first sip of the coffee as an mid-age lady comes over and ask if she may have an musician chair. Haha, as if. There is no such thing in this world. I say it this way because that's exactly the words she used and she probably didn't understand what it means or maybe she did: A rearrangement that has no practical effect or significance to the environment, she was surprised. But I gave her the chair and then realized that there was a whole company of them, tree actually; The woman and two guys. I brace myself as I understood that this could get heavier than first assumed. But it's all good as they sit down on the table next to me, it's fine with them too as long as I silently understand that I'll also be a part of the group.

I wont let them take over the whole room, my energy is stronger than that - I'd rather let them take some of mine, than to overpower the entire cafe. The lady gets it, but not the men of course. Men have a tendency to wanting to rise above younger men, that's just how ego's work. When they thought they had established this, and I let them, there was time for them to establish among themselves who was going to rule their meeting. A happy guy with a son that turns eighteen this Sunday takes the responsibility, he speaks his heart out through a whole cup of coffee (or tea) while the two others can't even get a word in. I can't do anything but to laugh inside and do the only polite thing namely pretend I'm not even there. Of course I do understand, not to say feel, that they are pulling and stretching my energy even though they believe I don't get or understand what's going on. Sometimes people should stop talking and just listen before they keep going. My problems starts however when the aunties in front of me pick up on this energy and starts pulling too, it doesn't get better when the cute guy and his friend do the same. The guy next to me is however still lost, meaning that he's not pulling but just listening in. It does get bad for about a minute - energies are spinning really fast, too much for some - Because then, like on cue; half the room stands up and leaves. They're gone within a minute and it's almost back to good again. At least for me, I've restored my own balance. The man with the eighteen year old son however is exhausted and leaves his party a few minutes later. His friends keeps it up for another ten minutes or so and I can tell they have now noticed where they got their energy cause as they are leaving they both look at me at the same time, share a few words among themselves, back to me - shaking their heads, with a nervous laugh - before they leave with their tail between their legs. The man tries to restore his status on the way out, but's too late, he needs a refill first.

"Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you got us feeling alright"

The only place I'm physically tired now is in my jaws for biting it together just to keep my shield up, but I've also lowered my guard a little to early. In comes two elderly men full of energy, they obviously haven't seen each other for a long time but as good friends - they sit down next to me and they start to establish their energy. Trying not to take each other down they try of course to get some from the person closest to them - I had to leave now. I was all out of energy and was in deep need of a refill too. I went home and stuck my feet in the garden dirt, but I felt like I had really been able to pass energy back and forth and really stay totally open for a very long time in public without fear. When I got back home my neighbor, witch birthday is tomorrow, came over to thank me for the quotes I leave out in the library every day, it really made her day better. A very nice reminder that we all change each others life by our choices and actions.

Of course the two elderly men that was sitting there laughing at me as I left may think whatever they want. It can't really be worse than the constant nagging from my credit card companies. Besides if it get's too rough I still have more wine in the fridge at home. Like one of the old men said to his friend as I left, "look, he doesn't even give a shit", I looked them in their eyes and smiled to them, they suddenly got embarrassed - yes I do hear you, even when you don't, old farts.

So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned

I do love to write, and most - if not all the time I do not have too much time to think about my words until after they are posted. It is a fun experience to read what you just wrote, or maybe even the day after before you understand what yourself put down in writing. If this is a good thing or a bad thing is not for me to answer, I am not making you read any of my writing but I do put it out there with my heart and hope it do give you a key. At the very least I do feel that my writings are honest and come from the heart (Very much like the guy next to me that is just emptying his heart in a conversation with long time friends, his son turns eighteen on Sunday)

Today I was sitting still for ten minutes, looking out in the air, emptying my brain - waiting for today's inspiration before I found the peace to start this post. This is one of the days where I usually would not write anything at all, it's been a while since I felt like that. The created world sent me some finances to take care of and it really has nothing to do with Neverland where you can connect with everyone and everything at once. I even had trouble finding the peace for this mornings meditation and decided it was going to be an off-day. However, I changed my mind; The little-bit of meditation I did told me I would not let Wikiality be in charge of how I live my life. Thank you guides. 

"Think about all the joy you'll find when you leave this world"
-Peter Pan-

Still till this moment I am not sure what this blog is going to be about or if it as about anything at all. Sitting at the local coffee-place on a Thursday morning in the beginning of august and having been here quite a lot without abusing the service; I do notice a change in atmosphere the last two months. Of course I do by now have a couple of people around that are regulars like myself, saying "hello" and "How are you today Jack?". I say; "Good, thank you for asking dude, what about yourself?". They say "Thank you" And I never see them again until eight years later, and everything is just back to where it started. It's nice I guess, some I even remember very well from eight years ago. Besides from getting a bit older - I can tell because they are moving slower or faster depending on how life has been to them - they really haven't changed much at all. It feels like time stood still here, and in a way it did cause people here decided that this was a good place to be and never moved away from it. Conversations in general did however, well some of them. I have already mentioned how I see more and more people waking up even without being aware of it. This is very much the case and with time it has gotten clearer where people are stuck - talking like history books instead of thinking forward and with the danger of repeating myself - just float with the river. It is funny though every time people do connect with me and try to send me messages and somehow they think I'm not listening, I do get what they are saying but even though they are older than me in age and they think they got the answer, I sometimes know better. Sometimes however they do border to thieving. Not in everything of course, but in many cases I am. 

Knowing that we are constant evolving, always growing and on the move - it is always very good to get this confirmed by the energy around you. This is a very fun place for sharing and it is funny to experience how conversations are somewhat the same but grow in the same direction any place you go in the world. I can tell that the circle of life is not a joke, but there are a bunch of different sizes and numbers of the circles. Different people see various numbers and sizes. Of course and a very few see them all, or even close to it. Again I guess it is all about perspective. 
