Friday, August 3, 2012

It's no-ego time!!!

What a world what a world. Today I feel like smiling. I woke up this morning and thought; wow, I'm alive! Like a roller coaster - our lives are a pretty amazing ride. The reason I smile is because I believe this is going to be a wonderful weekend. Even the guy at the liquor store agreed with me.. He also wished me a nice coming week as well so I'll just take his word for it. I have no idea of why this is such a nice day and I do have a small hope that it is just going to be super-quiet weekend where nothing really do happen. Just a peaceful few days, watching butterflies and listening to the birds with lots of time for dreaming. Looking forward to maybe do some gardening and hopefully take some pictures with my new camera. There has been a nice change the last few days and the general feeling is just very much in tune. It seems like Karma is back on my side for a while and at least until next month my bills are paid off. Now I have two different trips slash journey's to plan; One is a canoe trip with a good friend of mine, the other is my next destination, but I have about a week to do this. I believe the reason for the joy I feel today is that I once again have let myself do a little dreaming instead of just being stuck in here and now. Here and now is a amazing place. Of course - but right now doesn't really give that much room for dreams or fantasy. Watching to many dreams fall and crash I have been careful to let them take too much space in my time lately. Strange really cause they always makes me feel better about this world. Or - I take that back; It's not that strange, in which of the worlds I know do dreams belong? It's for damn sure not the one that is already created for us.

You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
-George Bernard Shaw-

We need dreams. To quote one of the american president's speeches: "We need men who can dream of things that never were" - Dangerous things to say in war-times. The speech was held in Ireland in 1963 - just a couple of months before that someone was shot in a car by a person that was himself murdered by another man two days later. Guess we'll never know the real truth.. never is however relative just like all time and space. When I grew up we learned how to never pay of our credit card debt with another credit card - I guess this is wisdom from later ages. Funny is it however that studies on dreams tell us that during an eight hour's night of sleep we spend two of them dreaming, and this varies from person to person. However, I can't find any information on how much we dream during the time we are awake. In fact we still don't completely understand what dreams are even as we sleep. This of course; if we are do believe the approved studies published for public. I prefer doing my own research on the subject, after all it's highly personal.

Like I said; dreams make me happy. They make me wish for a future and they make me feel that I can do anything. This of course is the truth as long as they don't get polluted by fear. Best of all, for the most parts, they are only mine. I don't let anyone else create my dreams for me. I don't mind sharing with those who cannot make their own either, I'm just happy to help. I have an endless supply of dreams if I want to, damn the one that takes that away from me(!) Being in tune with nature give me the chance to dream as much as I want. Responsibilities, routines, work and expectations are some of the things that make me push dreams away. In the created world, off the river, I am required to follow a certain linear path instead of floating freely around and expand my energy to what or wherever I know is right. The worst thing anyone can do to me is ask me to limit myself or tell me to follow a certain path that is not for me. This is no ones right and I'm lucky to be the strong person I am. Strong enough to withstand the energy of people I feel move in the wrong direction, have stopped or are being followers instead of taking charge of their own life and thereby also their dreams.

"The wisest men follow their own direction"

People in general don't like to see other people have the freedom. It scares them. It makes them feel like they have been making the wrong choices, that they have trusted the wrong people and not themselves. They are sure that there is something better than what they have and that they're just stuck in their life. My honest opinion is yes, they are completely right - even if they felt they didn't have a choice - it's easy to recognize a truth when you see it. Accepting it is a whole other story. There is always a chance to change your reality, for better or worse. This doesn't make them less jealous or feel less fearful. There is an ego involved that is working at it's hardest to make the created world the right one. I really do understand this, for now there is a lot more fear in this world than love - the change will come soon, but for now the masses will go where there is the most food, regardless of how it taste. Jealousy is however a very dangerous feeling. Very many people through history has been killed due to jealousy and fear.

All I can do is to ask in a nice way: Please leave your ego at home and open your hearts to dreams, start listening to your heart again and let your brain go to sleep for a while. It has been working overtime for a few thousand years. You can of course ignore this message, easy peasy, just look at this as a dream - but I have a feeling you won't let that happen. Stay strong and be free - It's the only way to be yourself.


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