Thursday, August 9, 2012

The world of sharing

I just want to show some of the effects we humans have on this planet. This should be proof enough that we can make a change in this world, for better or worse. Internet is however not real world, it's of course a very nice escape but sorry guys. it's time to face some facts because since we haven't changed we are pushing mother earth into a corner - she has no change but to make us take action, she can be pretty harsh that way.

"An iceberg four times the size of Manhattan has broken off Greenland, creating plenty of room for global warming deniers to start their own country"

Ben to Ghana? There might not be much left to see, no more live forest due to dried up rivers, sand is taking over.

On the border of Congo, take a note and remember that this after picture is all the way back in year 2000.

Glaciers melting all over the planet for many reasons, not only people driving cars.. come on - dun't be stubborn and neglect to see the truth, just because you love your automobile.

Atlas of Our Changing Environment
Take lake Chad in Niger. On one of our driest continents the river don't meet the ocean any more.

Just published - Amazon deforestation from 1975 until today (2012) - Pictures by NASA. 

It wouldn't matter would it, if I showed you those pictures or not. When most of us don't give a shit or worse; feel like we can't make a change or a difference - we rather not act at all. But I do believe that if this planet is lost due to our ignorance and our mistakes; we should know about what the reason. Meaning for the change you see all around the world in both climate and culture. Accept responsibility for your footprint because all of us is part of this. There is no point in pushing the blame over to anybody else cause one way or another you contributed in some way or the other. For that we will have to forgive ourselves. We can point fingers at major corporations and governments (pretty much the same thing - except just one of them have proven profitable...) I just ask you to see this: know what you are being a part of and do not pretend it is not there. We just can't be this resistant to change when we are the one that is making it!

Not talking about everybody here. I know there are many of us (millions) that do care. Especially those who use their time outside and don't get stuck in the internet-world or the world created for us to not see. To be asleep, sitting down in our air-conditioned basements with no real perception at all. Most look at the news in the same way we look at movies. We look at pictures from natural disasters as Foreign Fairy tales. We believe in the stories fed to us saying that if we buy this or that we'll not only make ourself feel better - we'll spend so much time looking at this goal instead of what you're supposed to. Students are given computers to use in school resulting in impossible multitasking and diffused minds that won't learn anything any longer. The whole school system is a joke; teaching us how to calculate our way through life instead of actually living it. People actually kills themselves just because they don't get good enough grades - some will rather die than not be part of the right serenities. Our minds are kept so busy that we no longer connect with our roots other than what we read in books, even our religions are misleading and we choose to believe in something outside ourselves instead of believing in ourself as the one being in charge of our lives. Not the world, not the climate or the culture - yes - your choices will change the world.

Reporting from real world,

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